Writer's Note 2

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Hello lovely readers~

-knock knock-

How are u doing? :D

Hope e.thing is fine~

Anw, I'll post double chapters coz dis week I will be busy join'n my bff's wedding ceremony n' quiz at uni..

I can't describe dis feeling but I feel soooo happy wid her happiness T^T

She finally finds her prince charming~ <3

I feel so nervous at the moment since the other members also talk abt those stuff..

Whatever I'll be the last member to involve with that kind of ceremony lol x33 #Foreveralone

kkk I'll spy some new ideas to add in the forward chapters lol

Btw, Hope u enjoy~

N' thx soooooo much for your support up until now~

You are my inspiration to write <3 <3 <3

Keep voting, commenting and sharing..

I'm really glad tat my undercover imagination can fade away someone's boredom.. :]

N' that's why I write.. I want to make people smile n' forget about the loneliness, boredom n' darkness they have at the moment..

Life is so short.. to regret about something.. do it today n' u can sleep well :D

I dun write to be the world famous author or whatever.. Just know s.o is having fun read'n my work is enough..

I love seeing people's smile n' happiness~ It's so cute, u think so?

So far, let's end this so-called introduction lol

N' if u wanna share me your life experience, be friend or anything else, feel free to message :D

I love meeting new friends too <3

coz my bffs get sick of my talking machine lol

Alright, Let's click the next chapter~

Enjoy babe~

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