Chapter 70- Finally

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Chapter 70- Finally

With his reddish eyes and nose, the tall figure held an unconscious body in a patient dress by her hand. He nuzzled her cold back hand and the tear started rolling down.

What had he done? What did he do? He almost killed his lovely people.

Leo whined in pain and his shivering lip pressed against her cold palm for a long time.

Why didn't..why didn't she tell him!? Why did she hide him that they had a kid!! Why didn't she let him know the arrival of their new member?

The question marks flew over Leo's head.

Those slender fingers ran on her flat tummy and stroked it gently. His tear again shed. His pinkish lip caressed her belly with a soft murmur.

'Sorry dearie.. Sorry my sweetheart.. Papa sorry.. Papa haven't known, you're always there. Stupid Papa, please be alright.. Please don't leave us..'

The hot liquids dropped on the patient dress countlessly. He turned to that sleeping beauty and rubbed her cold cheeks. That wet soft thing caressed her face affectionately.

'Please be fine, my boo. I'm sorry.. Jeongmal mianhe..(Really sorry)'

Leo leaned on the patient bed with his big hands cuddled that tiny cold palm all night long.

He felt bad.. Damn! Bad!! Almost shot himself with the doctor's speech.

'It's such a miracle that the fetus stays coz during the early months of pregnancy the chances of getting abort are so high and just a snap of finger. Please look after her closely, the mommy is weak in emotion and it may affect the fetus.

She seems to have much tension. During this stage, do not do or say anything irritates her mind coz pregnant woman's mood will change in the flash of light. She will think and be angry a lot. Please give her both physical and emotional support.

Anyway, congratulation for be a future daddy. In month two or three, please bring her here again. We'll check the development of the fetus.'

Around 5 am in the morning, a small figure, sleeping on a patient bed slowly opened her eyes. She quick grabbed her tummy when her whole body was so numb at the moment. Ellena turned around with this unfamiliar atmosphere.

The wide window was at her left hand. The sky was dark blue and the sun lazily rose up. She stared at the orange light lifelessly.

Ellena felt a hot breath was on her palm. She then tilted to her right side; a sleeping person was in her sight.

With his baby face was resting on her palm, Leo was sleeping in a sitting pose.


Ellena poked that pure cheek, wanted him to sleep on the nearby couch instead.

She moved closer as that pinkish lip was sleep talking again. To her surprise, his speech was about the bad news. Her tear again rolled down.

'Sorry, sweetie.. Papa sorry..'

Ellena mouth palmed, trying to hold her gasp. She sat up and stared down her tummy in terror.

S-she left? ba-baby left me??

Ellena then whined her lung out; she rubbed her tummy in pain. She threw the blanket away.

Leo who heard a weak yell, opened his eyes up.

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