Silah the Pale

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The clanging of metal now echoed into the air.

As Zoi flew backwards with her teeth clenched together in her rage while she glared furiously down into Silah's sadistic dark green eyes.

In between them was a once living Fire Nation soldier that had intercepted her blade!

Team Azula's forces gazed on shell-shocked as the puppets charged towards them in all directions.

Lightning crackled into the air as Azula stood with her left hand held out while electricity churned from her fingertips.

As she stared up at the face of the lifeless puppet that she had impaled upon her fist.

She pursed her lips into a tight scowl before she swiftly kicked another away with a flaming boot.

"Is this all that your toys are capable of, Silah!" Azula sneered in a pompous voice only for her amber golden eyes to gaze up in surprise when the puppet began to move once more.

And not even a second later the puppet swung at a horrific angle that not even Ty Lee would be capable of.

Just before Azula's burning blade pierced straight through the once living man's skull.

Before an explosion of blue fire consumed the lifeless rebel.

The pieces of the destroyed puppet rained down upon the cavern floor just as the princess spun around when she heard frantic shouts behind her.

Explosions shook the cavern while grotesque puppets jumped after their targets.

Ty Lee swung her shoe into the air as she kicked a puppet away before she dropped to the ground in a crouch.

Just as she grimaced when she landed on her still injured foot.

She gazed out with widened eyes at the advancing horde in disbelief while her adopted sister remained slumped over her back.

"Ty Lee! Get back!" Mai shouted as she threw her knives into the air while Ty Lee speedily nodded in understanding.

The knives cut through the air before they landed embedded into the chests of the puppets while they stared on in unhidden disgust as they watched blood trickle to the floor below.

And yet the newly created puppets simply stood back up while their horrified eyes gaped on in bewilderment.

Just before she fired off her stilettos from her spring-loaded holster.

The puppets fell backwards with their lifeless eyes gazing on hauntingly in the two noblewomen's repulsed eyes.

Before they shakily lunged forward once more while the two nobles increased the intensity of their attacks.

And soon enough the puppets were sent soaring to the ground while the two backed up with their little sister still slumbering between them.

Zoi slid back upon the ground with great anger in her eyes as she furiously clutched her katana in hand.

As Silah's mocking chuckles split into the air that only served as further fuel for her rage.

"They were once your soldiers, Zoi. But death they belong to me." Silah stated in a cruel voice as she flicked her gloved fingers while her puppets leaped at the enraged warrior.

Zoi stood her ground with her widened golden eyes watching as her fallen troops descended above her with their bending sparking alight.

The mere sight of the puppets firebending had all in the cavern staring on in horror.

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