She Dreamed of Doom

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In the early morning hours of the Fire Nation Royal Palace.

Azula, Zoi and Ty Lee were sitting in the princess's private study.

As a newly added sofa was now sitting in the corner of the room that Zoi and Ty Lee strongly suspected had been added for their adopted sister's sake.

Before they all turned towards the door to see their young companion step in and close the door behind her.

Only for all three of them to gaze on with concern in their eyes when they saw that the girl's face expression conveyed horrible distress.

"What's wrong? I thought that the visit with Mai made you feel better." Azula commented in a stony voice as she scowled while she set down her tea cup.

Only for her brows to furrow when she noticed that the girl was almost behaving as if she was in a frenzy.

"I-it's not that, Azula-sama. I had a horrible dream last night. Last night I dreamed that an overwhelming doom and destruction had befallen on the Fire Nation." Elle confessed in a distraught voice as she stumbled in while her three highborn friends stared at her with widened eyes.

And that was all it took for Ty Lee to stand up as she quickly moved to help the troubled girl take a seat on the sofa.

"Your aura doesn't feel pink right now little sister. Please sit down, and take a deep breath." Ty Lee instructed in a sisterly voice with a frown on her lips as she led the young girl to sit down.

The captain and the princess now gazed at the girl with worried expressions in their stoic eyes.

Only for all three highborn women to look even more concerned when they saw how deeply disturbed the girl was over her dream.

"A-Azula-sama. That man that you spoke with in Shung Wu...J-Joza. In my nightmare he was screaming as he was torn apart by a violent crowd." Elle stammered as she shivered while her princess's ruthless eyes widened in alarm.

Ty Lee and Zoi stared on with their mouths falling open in unease.

As all three of them gazed back at one another with shocked looks in their eyes.

"A-and his wife, and daughter...I heard them screaming as their clothes were taken off. While a cacophony of enraged people roared all around them. And...and throughout all of it I saw visions of a terrifying shadow woman and I heard a wicked voice laughing through it all." Elle blurted out with a pale complexion while her friend listened in a chilling silence.

And just like that the three Fire Nation women were staring back at their companion with alert expressions in their eyes.

As they began to fear more and more that it had been more than just a simple nightmare.

"What did the wicked voice of the shadow woman say Elle?" Zoi inquired in a taken aback voice as she gazed on with a bad feeling in her eyes.

"S-she said that the judgement of all humankind has begun. T-that she is going to kill every last human being. And...that when she's done...there won't be a-anything left but ash and rubble." Elle explained in a shaken voice while her three highborn friends stared at her with speechless looks in their eyes.

"T-the judgement of all humankind..." Ty Lee trailed off in a frightened voice as she sat back in her seat beside the girl.

Even the princess stared at Elle with a disbelieving expression in her frigid amber golden eyes.

"And this...nightmare kept you up all night?" Azula pondered with a small break of concern in her stony voice while she watched her pet numbly nod her head

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