The Dance of the Princess and the Peasant

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"A-Azula-sama?" Elle stuttered while the princess led her along through the royal market after paying for their meal.

"Yes?" Azula pondered while glancing down at her small admirer with stern yet patient amber golden eyes.

"Um...t-two questions...where are we going...and could you please lighten your grip on my wrist?" Elle squeaked in a mousy voice while the woman peered down at her with her brows furrowing.

But even so the woman lightened her grip almost as soon as she heard her voice that it was causing her pain.

Elle could only smile up at the regal princess in gratitude.

She may be cold and controlling...but she truly cared for her.

She knew that beyond all doubt.

"To dominate a party...where else?" Azula responded while she guided her young admirer through the streets with a gentler grip.

"I-I have never been to a party before, Mistress...and I am just a peasant girl..." Elle mumbled in a fretful voice while she followed after her mistress's taller frame.

"Peasant girl you are, but you belong to me now. It is I, who decides where you stand in status...and if you refrain from broadcasting it with your every breath. Who would know?" Azula remarked while peering down at Elle's shy face with a strict countenance.

"Yes, Azula-sama...I belong to you." Elle agreed happily while smiling wider as she gazed up at the regal woman's striking visage.

"As for the wanted my guidance did you not? Just follow me...and you will never find yourself lacking in leadership." Azula declared while she glanced down at the girl with her lips curling into a refined smile.

"Wakarimashita, Azula-sama!" Elle exclaimed before laughing warmly with a bright smile while peering up at Azula's taken aback expression.

The princess's amber golden eyes remained fixated upon the girl with just a sliver of fondness shimmering in the depths of her cold gaze.

Despite her best efforts she found herself unable to resist becoming fond of her admirer's innocence.

"Yes, Elle...wakarimashita." Azula sighed while brushing her bangs from her eyes in a seductive manner all the while Elle beamed up at her clearly enjoying her company.

"May...I ask my princess one more question?" Elle began with joy in her voice while the older girl stared down at her with her brows furrowing curiously.

"You just did." Azula stated with faint amusement in her voice while the girl blushed while she fidgeted under her imposing stare.

"C-could you elaborate...on your...i-interest in me?" Elle requested bashfully while averting her eyes from the princess's questioning gaze.

"Elaborate? What is there to explain, Elle?" Azula responded in a smooth voice while turning to gaze down at her pet to note that the girl was cutely chewing on her lip.

"W-well Her Highness has told me that our friendship would be frowned we must keep it a secret between her inner circle...which I gather means that you will not hold my hand before the eyes of others in the palace." Elle mumbled while padding after the beautiful woman with her gaze remaining on the princess's striding boots.

"You have discerned the situation correctly. Before the eyes of others, you are just another servant." The princess stated curtly while glancing down at Elle's thoughtful little face.

"T-that is so, Azula-sama. This is why I sleep in the servant's is a servant's place. Even Her Highness's favorite servant." Elle chimed while smiling shyly while Azula still held onto her hand with a controlled grip.

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