A Talk Between Friends

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The two friends were now walking towards the water of Harbor City while Ty Lee's hands still hung at her sides.

While she gazed at the princess's back pondering if it was wise to broach this subject now.

"A-Azula? Can we...talk for a moment?" Ty Lee asked in a more skittish voice than usual just as her friend peered at her over her shoulder.

"If you wish to talk, Ty Lee. Then talk." Azula answered in a terribly unsocial voice while walking with her arms folded over her chest.

Truth be told she let the girls off easier than she intended.

She originally planned to have them imprisoned for life.

But strangely, she modified her plans after hearing her pet's little speech.

"In private. B-before we get back to Mai and Elle. Over...there on that bench...maybe?" Ty Lee responded to the other woman's curiosity.

"What? Do you wish to chastise me once more? As if you are my superior?" Azula snapped while rounding to face her somewhat shorter companion.

She was somewhat bothered by the increased fear in Ty Lee's voice.

Not that she would ever say as much aloud.

"No. I...would like to level with you...as a friend. I...feel like our friendship is splitting...and I w-want to save it." Ty Lee explained in a voice that verged on possible tears while Azula gazed back at her frowning in confusion.

She could not understand what caused Ty Lee to start to think such a thing.

"Fine." Azula grumbled before turning to veer off the harbor walkway to sit on the bench overlooking the bay.

Ty Lee followed along silently until they stopped before the bench.

The two women seated themselves beside one another with the princess folding her arms over her breasts all the while gazing at her clearly intimidated friend.

"Well? You wanted to talk. Just what was it that put this silly idea in your head?" Azula demanded while staring at her trembling friend with annoyed eyes.

Strange as it may seem when Ty Lee heard her leader voice those words, she couldn't help but feel a spark of anger.

She decided to use it as fuel for her courage.

"The fact that you are even asking me that just proves how serious this is. I am going to be completely honest with you, Azula. I wasn't even going to broach this subject with you. I was just going to leave it be. Until the day it shattered. But strangely...meeting Elle gave me the courage to talk about it." Ty Lee admitted while turning to her now angered friend with graveness in her gaze.

"She what! Have you been talking with my servant behind my back?" Azula snarled with paranoia in her amber golden eyes as she gazed at her unusually serious friend.

Her good mood was ruined once more.

What a bothersome day this has turned out to be!

"No! She hasn't been speaking with me! I only just recently met her! So quit thinking what I know you're thinking! She gave me courage by watching you show a glimpse of humanity in your interactions with her." Ty Lee shouted while suddenly leaping to her feet while her friend glared up at her.

"I don't think I care for your tone-" Azula began only to be cut off when Ty Lee began shaking her shoulders angrily.

"Too bad! I am your friend! Not your slave! A-and if you give a damn you are going to listen!" Ty Lee cried out with a tear streaming down her cheek while gripping the regal woman's shoulders.

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