A Modern Tale of the Princess and Her Peasant - Part One - First Date

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Azula is a student at the Royal Fire University who is going about her usual day until she receives a flower and poem from a secret admirer. Out of boredom and curiosity, she decides to meet her admirer so that she can crush the girl's hopes. The one thing that she didn't expect to happen was that she would actually like the girl back. Femslash. Modern AU.

This is the first part of a two to maybe three shot based on the main story. It is set in a modern alternate universe where both the Avatar world and Elle's world are one Earth. And in this AU the Four Nations are separate continents that exist on the other side of the globe.

In this universe, there was never a One Hundred Year War, and the rest of the world never experienced a cataclysmic World War Three. There is also no Avatar, and there is likewise no Component. Because there was no One Hundred Year War, Azula is not as sadistic as she is in the main story and in canon. In this, she is less of a villain and more of a spoiled wealthy young woman with a cruel streak in messing with people of lower status.

The quick backstory that I have for this universe, is that Azula has the responsibility of going to the Royal Fire University to keep her mind sharp so that she can lead her country to the best of her ability. The same can be said for Mai and Ty Lee, as the same is expected of nobility.

The inspiration for this came from me wanting to write something lighthearted, and this is the result. It's just a simple calmer AU with lots of ElZula fluff.

On a side note, the regular update will still be out this weekend. I am just posting this now as a bonus.

Azula walked with her head held high as proof of her high status while she made her way to her college campus.

As she now wore her school uniform which consisted of an elegant long-sleeved shirt with a golden tie that hung down over her breasts.

While her fine red skirt that ended just below her thighs swayed behind her and managed to perfectly accent her womanly curves.

And over her shoulders was her backpack while she gazed ahead with cold amber golden eyes as she walked to the Royal Fire University gates.

And a golden crown rested at the top of her head that also served to hold her dark hair in a sophisticated bun.

Only to find herself pausing in her steps to glare ruthlessly over her shoulder when she sensed a pair of eyes on her.

A petite commoner girl was staring shyly at her from the other end of the street.

Her cold eyes glanced imposingly in the girl's direction only for her hardened gaze to flash with a flicker of interest.

The girl was pitifully short, several inches under five feet tall by the look of it.

But she...she was so...adorable.

And her hair...it was the loveliest shade of blonde!

In all her life she can count on one hand the amount of times that she has seen blonde hair.

There were no people that were born naturally blonde in the Fire Nation or the any of the other three nations for that matter.

And that meant...that the girl had to be a foreigner from one of the continents on the other side of the world.

And it was then that she noticed that the girl's eyes were an equally lovely shade of amber.

Her strict eyes continued stared back at the girl as she took in her white long-sleeved shirt.

And the girl's plaid grey tie that hung from around her neckline.

'She is.... cute.' Azula thought while she scowled in the bashful girl's direction.

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