Paradise Lost

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"I brought you a flower, Momma!" Elle exclaimed in a proud voice while her mother accepted the offering with a compassionate smile.

"Thank you for the flower, Elle. That was very sweet of you." Lana spoke in a warm voice as she gazed down at her daughter with tender amber eyes while Elle beamed from ear to ear.

"I thought it was pretty so I decided to give it to you!" Elle cried out in an innocent voice while her mother let out a fond chuckle.

"Once more. Arigatou, Elle." Lana replied in a maternal voice as she patted her daughter's soft hair while the little girl smiled up at her.

Only for her lips to curve into a gentle smile when the small girl leaped into her arms.

"Mom!" Elle shouted in a joyful voice just as her mother's arms wrapped around her back.

" daughter. I love you." Lana declared in a loving voice as she held her daughter against her chest.

"And I love you too, Mom." Elle chirped in a cheery voice as she laughed happily while her mother hugged her close.

And with that the two sat together hugging one another for several minutes while they watched the birds fly into the air.

While the mother affectionately ruffled her laughing daughter's hair.

As the child enthusiastically pointed out one bird after another.

"Look, Mom! That one's my favorite! It's so pretty!" Elle spoke in a gleeful voice with Lana smiling warmly while she patted her plush head.

"You said the same thing about the last one, Elle." Lana stated in a mirthful voice as she grinned down at her daughter's adorable face.

"Ooh! Look at that one!" Elle cried out with her attention already drifting to another fluttering bird while her mother smiled alongside her.

"I see. That one is indeed lovely." Lana commented in a voice of boundless patience with her small daughter seated in her lap.

They gazed up into the sky as the Sun rose high into the air over the district.

"I wish I was a bird." Elle remarked in a lovable voice with her mother still gazing down at her fondly.

"Don't we all, dear." Lana conversed as she gazed into the clouds with warm amber eyes that were trying her hardest to stay upbeat.

It wasn't easy though.

Not after all that they have been through.

But she has to try.

If not for herself but for her husband and her children.

"S-someday...I want to flow free like a bird soaring high in the air." Elle announced in a wistful voice with a hand under her chin while she stared up with sparkling amber eyes.

"That would be nice wouldn't it?" Lana pondered in tender voice with her hand in her daughter's hair while Elle sat against her chest.

And for what it was worth.

For a few moments everything was at peace in their little world.

As much as it could be anyhow.

Until the medic turned her head when she heard the sound of someone shouting out to her to see a middle-aged man running frantically up the hill.

"What is it?" Lana questioned as she faced the man with her young daughter turning to follow her gaze.

"I am sorry to bother you, Lana, but there is a medical emergency." The man informed in an exhausted voice while Lana's eyes took on a more downcast countenance as she pushed herself up.

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