In the Springs

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Elle was now hastily walking back with a long stick in hand only to halt when she caught sight of a familiar figure through the line of trees.

Standing with sword out and her back turned to her was none other than the captain herself.

The warrior was panting with good hand clutching her sword at her hip only to swiftly sheath it as soon as she heard her approach.

"Yes?" Zoi queried in a strangely softer voice as she gazed at Elle's concerned face peeking back at her as the girl stepped out from behind a tree.

"A-are you...alright, Zoi?" Elle questioned in a gentle voice while Zoi turned to face her with her golden eyes shimmering in appreciation.

"Why do you ask?" Zoi pondered in turn with her usual stoic countenance while she eyed the handmaid's light shirt that barely covered the girl's arms.

And then she gazed down at her wrapped arm with a grateful gleam in her eyes once more before wordlessly striding closer to the timid girl.

"You look've been...cutting down trees." Elle answered with a finger under her lip while the older woman came to a stop before her.

"I am fine. I am just tired...of being at war. I just got back from spending an entire year at sea tracking get thrown down a pit filled with mines by a traitor while I was defending my country. And now I want to get home but I cannot. Because the enemy got away." Zoi spoke with a frightening look of anger in her eyes only to realize that her company was more sensitive than she was used to.

"Ah. Sumimasen." Elle muttered with her hands on her straps while Zoi waved a hand in reassurance.

"It's alright. I thank you for your concern...Elle." Zoi assured in a calmer voice while she shifted on her booted feet with her dark hair swaying over her eyes while the much smaller girl peered up at her.

"It's nothing! I just thought to check on you..." Elle trailed as she chewed on her lip while the warrior offered her a ghost of a smile.

"About what I said to you earlier...about owing me a debt. I apologize for attempting to blackmail you." Zoi informed with a tilt of her head while Elle craned her neck to meek her golden gaze.

"Oh, that! It didn't bother me any." Elle responded with an unbothered shrug of her shoulder while Zoi surveyed her in newfound interest.

"If you say so. I just...wanted to clear the air...because you...gave me your shirt. You...didn't have to do that." Zoi admitted with her golden eyes softening once more while the petite girl offered her another sweet smile.

"I wanted to! I like to help people. It will probably sound just as silly to you as it does Azula-sama...but I am a pacifist. I don't like to start fights! I like to get along with everyone and help whenever I can!" Elle cried out with returning bounce in her step while Zoi's golden eyes flashed in surprise once more.

Zoi was well aware that she has been overheard by the younger girl vehemently insulting pacifists when she berated the Avatar.

But she was not the sort of woman to berate someone that gave up their shirt to make a cast for her injured arm.

"I see...well it's certainly a concept that I cannot relate to. But you are my ally. And that is all that matters." Zoi stated with her rigid countenance still thawing just slightly while she began to walk alongside the girl.

"We're not just allies. We are friends now, Zoi!" Elle chirped with infectious cheer that puzzled Zoi while she trod beside the much taller woman.

"Pardon me...Elle. We are...friends." Zoi agreed with a small smile gracing her lips while she peered down at Elle's warmly smiling face.

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