For You

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The following morning...

Azula began to stir when the sound of snickering floated into her ears.

She knew the sound of that laugh.

Ty Lee!

The princess's amber golden eyes snapped open while she sat up against her pillow.

Her callous gaze swept about before settling on the grinning Ty Lee seated in a chair on the other side of her room.

"Aww! You two look so cute together, Azula." Ty Lee greeted with a warm chuckle while Azula practically glared a hole through her skull.

The princess began to recline upon her pillow while her handmaid slumbered with her face buried in the chest of her opened night gown.

The sound of Elle snoring softly in the princess's bosom echoed into the air while Ty Lee smiled over at the sight of her sleeping face.

Azula's face turned red in humiliation while she turned to regard her giggling friend with an icy death glare.

"Cease your laughing right this minute or I will burn you to ashes!" Azula bellowed with a tight scowl upon her features while Elle continued to breath softly into her breasts.

"Don't be so loud, Azula. You are going to wake her up." Ty Lee sighed while the princess narrowed her amber golden eyes back at her.

"Don't you give me orders, Ty Lee! I am the princess around here, not you! And you are the one that woke me up!" Azula snarled before sliding one of her arms over her little girlfriend's small back while Ty Lee leaned over the side of her chair still smiling.

" always get up at this time in the morning anyhow. And I wanted to check on Elle. I...was really worried about her when I ran into her in the hallway last night." Ty Lee commented with her smile giving way to a concerned frown while she peered over at the sleeping girl.

Despite how hard the princess tried not to.

Azula could not help but glance down at the girl with her lips dropping into a thin line.

"The girl is fine, Ty Lee." Azula snorted with a haughty roll of her eyes while Ty Lee stared back at her in an unconvinced manner.

"She didn't look fine last night." Ty Lee stated with her arms folding over her breasts while the regal woman pretended as if she didn't care.

If she wasn't so worried for her adopted little sister's well being, she could have laughed at how Azula's behavior contradicted her words.

Leave it to Azula to sit there with a young girl asleep in her lap while she acts as if she doesn't care about said girl.

"She was just crying about some peasant trifle. As she always does." Azula remarked in a pompous voice while she fiddled with her dark hair in an effort to play off her concerns.

"That wasn't a 'peasant trifle'! And I thought I told you to stop calling her that." Ty Lee insisted with a huff while Azula continued her stuck-up behavior.

"I call her a peasant, because she is a peasant. My pet peasant to be exact." Azula declared in a smug fashion with a possessive palm planted in Elle's hair while the petite girl mumbled into her bust.

"She is not a...why do I even bother arguing with you. You are impossible." Ty Lee complained while the other woman smirked over at her.

"Of course, I am. It is good that you are finally beginning to understand that I am beyond defeat." Azula scoffed with a spoiled wave of her hand while Ty Lee just sighed under her breath.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now