Serving Princess Azula

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Azula sat in her study with war preparations in hand when her cold eyes shifted to the doorway pleased to see that Elle was now fully cleaned up and bowing on her floor.

Elle's face was touching the floor of the study while discerning eyes swept over her form searching for any margin of error.

The girl was now wearing traditional Fire Nation robes that suited her nicely while the princess set her paperwork down.

Not only was Elle as clean as can be the girl had even arrived early.

"Early...I like that. I value punctuality. And you no longer smell like a sheep-dog. You are off to a good start. I dare say you look presentable now." Azula remarked in a haughty manner while placing her hands in her lap as she gazed down at the girl.

While doing so she carefully noted that the girl's hair still hung over her shoulders free from any sort of restraint.

If it were any other servant, she would chastise them for disregarding Fire Nation custom.

But...not this one.

She had...a certain otherworldly charm to her that she wanted to preserve.

Her golden hair was unlike anything she has ever seen before.

And she decided that she liked the way her golden hair hung down her pet's shoulders.

And so that was how it would stay on her golden pet.

"I-I am glad that I please you, Azula-sama. How may I serve you?" Elle pondered while she timidly remained in her bow.

"Come closer, girl. Kneel...right here." Azula instructed while pointing at the foot of her throne with an evident love for control in her eyes.

"Yes, Princess!" Elle exclaimed in a genuinely joyful voice that amused Azula as she scrambled forward before dropping onto her knees before the looming woman's throne.

"Your training begins now. I suggest you listen closely, servant. I have many likes and dislikes...and I expect you to remember them all." Azula stated with her lips curving upward as she peered down at her handmaid.

"I-I will write down every single one." Elle spoke to the older woman's gratification as she turned to stare down at her.

"You are to go receive instructions from the head handmaid. I eat dinner in two hours. My friends will be dining with me. You will serve my dinner with the other servants. Is that understood?" Azula explained while staring down at her lovely pet with a cold countenance.

"Wakarimashita!" Elle exclaimed while amber golden eyes surveyed her in amusement.

"I am glad that you are so overjoyed to serve me. One can only hope that you prove worth my time." Azula replied as she watched the smaller girl shift on the floor.

"I shall aspire to please my princess!" Elle cried out abruptly while peering up at her taken aback mistress with innocent amber eyes.

"Now that is what I like to hear." Azula answered before bending over to inexplicably pat the girl's head of soft golden hair.

"M-Mistress Azula..." Elle murmured dreamily while kneeling as low as she could while Azula ran her fingers through her hair.

"I hope you keep me pleased, pet." Azula purred while giving no thought to how strange it was to call another human her pet.

Such were the privileges of being royalty...

And if she were being truthful...the girl was rather...adorable.

She has never met anyone so eager to bow at her feet.

That alone...was a marvelous quality in her eyes.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat