The Chasm

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The sky bison soared over the oceans waters before speeding over a remote forested northern Fire Nation Island.

Shantu Island.

While Appa released distressed cries of alarm as he was continually bombarded with cannon fire.

All the while as the royal airship began to slowly but steadily close in on them thanks to the sky bison being forced to constantly maneuver out of the way of their fire.

"They are gaining on us!" Sokka called out in a growing panic.

"I am starting to see why Sunshine was warning us." Toph complained with her hands grasping at the sky bison's fur.

"Now's not the time for jokes, Toph!" Katara snapped with her palms gripping Appa in a worried manner.

That was when the poor bison released another cry of pain when he was shot in the leg.

The huge sky bison buckled while his companions stared back up at the airship with rage in their eyes.

"They're firing on Appa again! He can't fly like this for much longer!" Aang shouted in an unusually angered voice while Appa began to waver.

"We need to reach higher ground! Once we reach the mountains, we can lose them in the narrow mountain pass!" Zuko advised with his hand clutching his wounded shoulder.

The foursome began to quickly realize that trusting in their former enemy yielded the highest chance for survival.

"Bring out the ammunition!" Zoi commanded with her eyes narrowing dangerously while she turned to her men scrambling to heed her order.

"What is she doing, Azula?" Ty Lee pondered warily with growing unease in her voice.

However, the princess made no comment while she observed the Imperial Firebenders rush out with the aforementioned ammunition.

Azula then rose an inquisitive brow when she watched as medals of the countless fallen Order of the White Lotus were then loaded into the cannons.

And then to her rising curiosity they were lit aflame by two firebenders.

"Fire!" Zoi yelled out with a swipe of her hand while she watched with determined eyes when the flaming medals shot into the air.

"Incoming fire!" Sokka exclaimed with a pale face before yelping when a flaming chunk of metal nearly singed his arm.

" she firing at us? This isn't standard ammunition. I can tell..." Toph trailed off in a thoughtful voice.

"Medals...of the Order of the White Lotus?" Aang questioned with a puzzled frown just as he held up one of the burned metals in his hand.

"Are they already running low on standard ammo?" Katara pondered with her brows furrowing only for the prince to grimly shake his head.

"No. This is no mistake. She is sending us a message." Zuko replied with a snarl while he clutched a bloodied medal in his own hand.

"Those are the medals of each and every member of the Dragon of the West's Order of the White Lotus that I have killed! Let it rain down upon you, Avatar! You will all join them soon enough." Zoi called out from the front of the airship while the Gaang turned to stare up at her with realization in their horrified eyes.

The hot medals continued to pelt them once more while the young Avatar gazed up at his pursuer with unnatural fury in his eyes.

"So that is why...we haven't heard from the Order of the White Lotus in some time now." Toph stated grimly with understanding sinking into each and every one of them.

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