The Forgetful Valley

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The following day...

In the far distance the princess's royal sloop was docked ashore on an isolated beach with countless guards standing on patrol keeping watch down below.

In the distance a single squad of Fire Nation soldiers stood together as they watched with narrowed eyes as the steel tip of a strange partly submerged vessel sailed into the shore.

Only for the lone submerged vessel to slow to a stop before the shore while the oceans waters splashed upon metal surface.

Just as a door in the top of the vessel began to open up while the soldiers shouted out a stern warning to the occupant.

"Halt on the order of Princess Azula! You are under arrest in the name of Her Royal Highness! If you come any closer, we will use lethal force!" Togan shouted with a sword in hand while he glared out at the partly submerged vessel from beneath his helmet.

He was flanked by over twenty soldiers as they all gazed hard at the semi-submersed vessel in astonishment.

In all their years of military service not one of them had ever seen a vessel like this before!

And then they lit their fists afire with their bending when the intruder emerged on the outside of her transport.

Only for their eyes to widen collectively when they watched an ominously cloaked figure stand up on the top of her submerged vessel.

The target wore a long cloak with a white bone mask while piercing dark green eyes now gazed back at them from within.

They tensed up when they watched more figures step out onto the surface of the foreboding metal vessel.

"An insignificant threat...from an inconsequential group of nothings." Silah spoke in an emotionless voice with cables protruding from underneath her sleeve while the soldiers fell into formation.

The waves crashed against the shore while Togan stared out with his eyes narrowing before he yelled out an order.

"Attack! Dispatch the target!" Togan bellowed before he fired his grappling gun into the side of the motionless vessel.

His comrades roared in sync as they rushed forward alongside him while the cloaked woman stared back at them with cruelly amused dark green eyes.

"Fools." Silah scoffed as she raised her right hand into the air with her fingers flicking downward ever so slightly.

And then just like that the soldiers froze in their charge for the briefest of moments.

The cloaks that their attackers were adorned in were suddenly torn to shreds.

Strange mechanical contraptions now charged towards them with numerous blades projecting from the wrists of the puppets.

While another cloaked figure dropped down into the water.

And then not even a moment later the earth began to shift beneath their feet.

The soldiers resolved themselves to continue their assault.

Only for the sound of screams to begin to pierce the otherwise serene shoreline not even a minute later.

The soldiers never had any chance to react or decipher their opponent's nature.

One by one they were all cut down in rapid succession while the mysterious puppeteer watched with a cold smile from beneath her mask.

'I am coming for you...Component holder.' Silah thought with a predatory smile adorning her features while steel wires coiled before her face.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now