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The three highborn women of Team Azula trudged after Silah and their young friend with their paranoid eyes never leaving the woman's back.

Zoi stared on out of the corner of her eye at Jaran's lifeless face with a visible flicker of rage in her eyes.

And it wasn't just that the monster stole her glory.


It truly revolted her to witness such a powerful warrior be reduced...

To being nothing more than this demented woman's doll!

Ty Lee walked with her unnerved brown-gray eyes trying not to look at the warrior king eerily striding like a protective sentinel behind his twisted master.

As Azula strode behind her handmaid with her callous amber golden eyes glaring from over the girl's small shoulder at her enemy.

Her gaze shifted over the puppet once again with her brilliant gaze expressing a sliver of frustration.

'Where are the cables? Is it possible...that she can control him without them?' Azula thought with her burning gaze staring back at the man's lifeless face in analyzation.

Only for her icy eyes to burn with even greater fury when Silah turned to gaze at her from over her shoulder.

Silah gazed back at the face of the glaring princess with a conceited smirk still adorning her lips.

And throughout it all Azula's cold amber golden eyes stared furiously back at her with fire nearly spewing from her pursed lips.

Zoi still glared on from where she walked beside her leader with her own golden eyes expressing a similar frustration.

"What's wrong, Azula? Can't figure out how he operates?" Silah asked in a sickeningly taunting voice as she smiled darkly back at the princess's hateful glaring face.

And that was all it took for the two firebenders to stare on with a spark of a helpless rage in their eyes.

The meaning of the taunt was loud and clear.

There was more to the puppeteer's operation than just simple cables!

Only for the hunter to let out another soft chuckle as she reveled in their helplessness before she turned to stride ahead once more.

Azula and Zoi were left standing with their eyes glaring at the woman's back.

Ty Lee swallowed in unease.

As she shivered while watching the lifeless man walk so rigidly after the monstrous woman.

Until the trio was forced to resume their walk not even a second later when their young friend continued to nervously follow after Silah.

Elle padded along with her fearful amber eyes gazing up at Jaran's expressionless face.

Only for a chill to shoot down her spine when she found herself gazing up into lifeless light green eyes.

As Jaran strode perpetually in silence like a machine behind Silah in perfect sync with her.

Almost as if...he moved with her mind alone!

"Y-you know how creepy that corpse doll is right?" Elle questioned in a rightfully shaken voice as her highborn friends followed over her shoulders.

The three Fire Nation women stared out from behind the girl with ever present vigilance in their defensive eyes.

Only for Silah to pause in her step as she turned to smile over her shoulder at the young girl's trembling face.

And that was all it took for the glares of Team Azula to intensify as Silah smiled down at their innocent friend's unnerved countenance.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now