Two Worlds

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Team Azula strode at a leisurely pace through the forest in order to accommodate for both Ty Lee's broken ankle and their young friends breathing condition.

Azula found herself sighing in mild annoyance while Elle walked alongside her already chatting her up once more.

The two noblewomen could only watch in amusement while the princess listened to the girl with patience that she would never show even them.

Not even Ty Lee could get away with pestering Azula so frequently.

The princess furrowed her brows in bewilderment when the girl began to talk about the former slave once more.

"What? You think an escaped slave is more respectable than this Julius Caesar, and this Augustus?" Azula questioned in a subdued voice so as to avoid hurting the girl's feelings while Elle baffled her when she nodded adamantly.

"Yeah! It's easy to accomplish great things when you are born in a position of great wealth in an empire as vast as Rome...well a Republic at the time. And it's even easier to accomplish your achievements when you have millions of slaves to do all of the hard work for you. Rome was built upon slavery. Without the slaves they would have been nothing. They may be deserving of their fame...but in my opinion. That is nothing compared to someone who fought to free hundreds of thousands. no cause more noble than freedom." Elle explained with a resolute nod while her three friends listened curiously.

And once more the two noblewomen fell silent.

It wasn't like they disagreed with the girl.

It just made them uneasy knowing that Elle would eventually be torn up to find out about some of the Fire Nation's nastier dealings.

And judging by the frustrated look in Azula's eyes they could tell that the princess had not been expecting this.

"No cause more noble than freedom. Curious words. Coming from a girl who is practically begging to be my slave." Azula scoffed with an amused smirk returning to her lips only for the petite girl to chew on her lip.

"Azula..." Ty Lee trailed off in yet another sigh while Elle shook her head in disagreement.

At the very least Azula was making an attempt to be nicer.

Not that it was likely to last long.

"You seem to misunderstand, Azula-sama. I'm not your slave. I'm here because I have freedom! I choose to serve you." Elle insisted gently while the older girl stared at her in revived puzzlement.

"Hm. You're not? Because it would appear that I now own your freedom." Azula retorted in a playful voice with her arms crossed over her armored breasts.

"Oh no! I serve you with pride because you are kind to me...and because you treat me well. I defer to your will because I know that you look after me...if you treated me even remotely like Felix did. I would...leave. Even if it broke my heart. I am still free." Elle spoke in a soft voice with her statement causing Azula to lose her smug smirk.

The three highborn women gazed at Elle in unease over how she casually stated that she would leave if Azula were to ever become abusive.

A sentiment that both Mai and Ty Lee silently agreed with.

"You are the one who presumes erroneously, servant. While I will always make good on my promise to never abuse you. I still own you. And you are not free to leave. If I must leash you for you to understand that...then so be it." Azula commented with a domineering gleam in her cold eyes while her subordinates shuddered once more.

"Azula...please...please no leashes." Ty Lee begged with a worried frown only for her plea to fall on deaf ears.

"I know you would never hurt me, Azula-sama! Because we're best buddies!" Elle cried out with her hand tugging on the princess's sleeve while her big sisters gazed on fondly over her joyful cry.

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