Ghosts of the Past

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"So, I am. Elle...would you be a dear, and get me a sheet of paper, brush and ink from your little bag?" Azula queried in a sanguine voice while she peered down at her still swooning handmaid in her muscular arms.

As soon as Mai and Ty Lee heard those words, they couldn't help but turn to Azula with suspicion in their eyes.

While it may sound like a harmless request, this was Azula they were talking about!

Things were never simple with Azula!

"R-right away! I-if my princess asks for paper, brush, and ink then I will I get her paper, brush and ink!" Elle cheered before springing forward out of Azula's arms upon command much to the princess's smug amusement.

The young handmaid bent over to rifle through her back while Azula surveyed her with a pleased palm beneath her chin.

"What...are you planning, Azula?" Mai asked in a wary voice while she eyed her sadistic friend with narrowed tawny eyes.

"Oh, nothing, Mai. I am just going to...draft a laws." Azula answered in a devilish voice while she turned to peer down at Elle's back while her childhood friends shuddered in uncertainty.

"Laws...Azula?" Ty Lee inquired in a nervous voice only for her leader to ignore her question.

While Elle was fumbling through her ridiculously oversized bag Azula sat behind her watching her every move with a possessive stare.

The girl was digging through her bag in such a comical rush that she didn't seem to be paying much mind when several items fell free from a random pouch.

It was in that moment that Azula's amber golden eyes caught sight of a particularly small item dropping free from the pouch.

Another pill bottle...

That was all it took for the amused look in her eyes to give way to a dangerously narrowed glare.

She watched like a predatory eagle hawk when her handmaid seemed to move to put the item away before she could notice.

How foolish of her.

She would have thought that the girl would have learned by now that nothing escaped her!

Like living lightning Azula took the other two women by surprise when she grasped ahold of Elle's hand before it put the pill bottle away.

" that?" Azula demanded in a much stricter voice than before while the younger girl's blonde hair hung in her eyes once more.

"Azula! You can't hold her wrist like that!" Ty Lee shouted in a furious voice while Mai narrowed her eyes in agreement.

"Be silent, Ty Lee! I am not bruising her! Now I will not ask again. What. Is. That?" Azula hissed with a puff of fire escaping her nostrils while Elle shrunk under her imposing glare.

"P-pills." Elle answered weakly while her big sisters stared on in confusion only for her caretaker to purse her lips into a cold scowl.

"I can clearly see that! What are they for!" Azula snapped in a controlling voice that her subordinates did not like while the much smaller girl gazed away.

"Anti-depressants!" Elle cried out with her eyes gazing away from Azula's angered yet grudgingly concerned face.

"Anti-depressants, Elle?" Mai repeated with her tawny eyes displaying returning worry for the girl's well being.

"You...take these pills because you are unhappy?" Azula pondered with something akin to a shred of hurt in her voice while Elle's shoulders slumped.

The mere prospect of her handmaid not truly being as overjoyed to be in her service as she had thought was a surprisingly hurtful one.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz