We Meet Again

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It has been six years since she struck down the Avatar in the Crystal Catacombs beneath Ba Sing Se.

For years she had begun to think that her suspicions had been wrong, and that the Avatar was truly dead.

That was until about a year ago when she heard a report about a small group of people with a comatose boy.

From then on.

She knew that he was out there.


It was around that time.

That it had come to her attention that her escaped fuddy duddy uncle was the current leader of an ancient secret society called the Order of the White Lotus.

From there she was able to connect her tea loving uncle to the rebels in question.

It was then that she realized that Iroh was aiding and abetting the rebels in evading capture.

A highly famous soldier.

And a well renowned captain of the Royal Procession.

A soldier that also happens to have a particular admiration for her more than any other member of her Royal Family.

This soldier has fought many battles in her name and won many victories in her honor.

Her name was Zoi Song.

She was her most devout and deadliest soldier.

And she was well known for showing no mercy to traitors.

Needless to say, the Order of the White Lotus are now no longer a secret society.

And they have since come to know her wrath.

And the wrath of her strongest soldier as well.

She had also learned six years ago during her conquest of Ba Sing Se from the Earth King that the rebels had knowledge of the Day of the Black Sun.

She investigated further.

And she discovered several months ago that the rebels were preparing an invasion on the Day of the Black Sun.

She warned her father and they prepared accordingly.

Well, now the Day of the Black Sun has come and passed.

And the Avatar has been revealed...to be alive.

Just as she had first suspected all of those years ago.

The Avatar and his friends escaped.

And her brother had betrayed their nation as well.

She hadn't expected that Zuko would turn traitor.

She has always taken her brother to be weak and foolish.

But never a traitor.

But it would seem that she was wrong about Zuko.

And now she could only feel disgust and anger towards her brother for his betrayal of their nation.

She was currently on a walk back from the Royal Plaza after overseeing an inspection of their defenses after the events of the previous day.

As she watched commoners bow down to her as she walked by while she paid little mind to their existence.

When she suddenly turned her head when she caught the unmistakable gleam of exotic golden hair moving through the street.

Her piercing amber golden eyes zoned in on the peasant girl while her lips pursed into a frown.

'She is just a peasant...golden hair or not...so why does this girl plague my mind?' Azula thought as she gazed at the young girl through the corner of her eye.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now