The Fire Mountain University Hospital

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Several hours later.

Nako had left to go get something to eat.

And Zoi had left off in search of her younger sister.

And Team Azula was now walking through a massive Fire Nation medical building while Elle padded behind Azula with her mouth ajar in wonder.

Elle followed after the three highborn women while the princess walked about as if she owned it.

And if you asked Azula she would say that she did.

That was when the princess came to a stop before a desk while she glared down at a worker whose back was turned to her.

Only to thunderously slam her fist down on the wooden tabletop while the two noblewomen sighed when the poor woman spun around to face their spoiled friend.

"P-Princess Azula!" Ao exclaimed in fright as she speedily lowered to the floor as she prostrated herself while Azula gazed imposingly down at her.

"I demand an appointment with Doctor Shima!" Azula announced in an entitled voice with arms folded over her breasts while her handmaid stood behind her.

"Y-yes, Princess! As you command!" Ao answered as she sprang to her feet before she began rifling through the list of doctors.

All the while Azula's piercing eyes continued to stare down at her as a bead of sweat dripped down her cheek.

"F-for you or one of your friends?" Ao asked as she respectfully inclined her head only to blink in surprise when her princess gestured to a young girl standing behind her.

"For this one here." Azula remarked as she gazed down at her bashful handmaid with a hidden fondness in her callous amber golden eyes.

The two noblewomen mustered a smile as they stood supportively behind their adoptive sister while the woman briefly glanced her over.

"Certainly, Princess. What is the child's name?" Ao questioned as the three highborn women nearly fell over.

Azula stiffened with something akin to embarrassment in her eyes while she gazed down at Elle's pouting face.

"I'm not a child! In one month, I'll be fourteen years old!" Elle insisted as she puffed out her chest in an attempt to look older while Ty Lee patted her shoulder.

"Fourteen? I thought you were under ten." Ao commented in an amazed voice while the three highborn women turned to gaze down at the mortified girl.

"Under ten?" Elle mumbled as she adorably slumped with a saddened countenance while her mistress sighed over her.

"It's alright, little sister." Ty Lee consoled in a comforting voice with her hand on her little sister's shoulder while she balanced her weight on her crutches.

"Her name is Elle." Azula informed with her amber golden eyes gazing down at her serving girl's sulking face before she turned back to the woman.

"Elle?" Ao repeated as she began flipping through papers on her desk while the young girl kicked at an imaginary pebble at her feet.

"I can't help it that I've always veered on the small side..." Elle trailed off as she chewed on her lip while Mai offered her a small smile.

"And your relation with the patient? P-please don't get angry, Princess. I am required to ask these questions." Ao pleaded as another droplet of sweat fell down her cheek while the princess's eyes briefly narrowed down at her.

"Any answers that I give you had better remain confidential. For your sake." Azula remarked in a frigid voice with her fists on her well-toned arms while she fixed the rapidly nodding woman in a soul piercing stare.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now