The Clash of Comrades

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Many weeks prior.

The sound of heavy metal doors opening up resonating ominously into the air.

Which was soon followed up by the sound of soft footfalls stepping into the long-abandoned silo.

Naoki now stood in the doorway of the vast missile chamber with her emotionless eyes gazing in at the contents of the underground missile silo.

It was none other than an old cache of nuclear warheads.

The missiles still sat in their original placements covered in dust and forgotten by time.

But no longer.

"I knew it...I knew that they were still here. Provided that they are operational...this will serve as a suitable contingency in the event that I am left with no other option." Naoki spoke in a glacial voice with her unfeeling brown eyes staring in at the stockpile of bombs.

As her usual smile still graced her lips.

And soon enough the sound of her laughter echoed throughout the walls of the deserted missile silo.

Back in the present.

The combined blinding light from the three girls' auras and the gateway exploded brilliant over the horizon.

The four highborn women now slid to a stop on the icy slope as they gazed down the sloping hillside with their eyes wide in disbelief.

They shielded their faces with their elbows while they squinted their eyes to avoid being blinding by the radiant light.

As they quickly glanced over their shoulders with their eyes wide in bewilderment when they saw that the light from the gateway was shining high above them.

Before they turned to gaze back down below with shock still present in their eyes.

"Elle's power.... she activated it." Zoi stated in an awed voice while her companions stared on in astonishment beside her.

Azula gazed down with something akin to a flicker of pride in her surprised amber golden eyes.

Only for her ruthless eyes to widen when she made out a familiar shape plummeting from the shimmering light.

And not a second after that she watched with her lips shaking in a furious line when the girl fell into the snow.

As she tried her hardest to squash the sliver of concern in her eyes while the girl cried out as she rolled down the frozen slope.

The three noblewomen stared on with their mouths falling ajar in worry.

"Elle!" Ty Lee shouted in a sisterly voice with the cold winds whipping through her hair.

Mai gazed on with her tawny eyes wide in concern while the dust cloud of snow dissipated from the air.

Elle now lay on her back trying not to suppress the violent shiver from the brutal cold temperature.

As she gasped for air as she gazed up with widened amber eyes while otherworldly lines continued to glow from her face.

And right after that Naoki was revealed to be standing on the hill some thirty feet above the downed girl.

'So.... she truly has awakened it...' Naoki thought in a detached manner with her cold eyes staring down at the groaning blonde.

"I...don't really know what to do with this or how to use it...and I...don't really know how to fight either. And...and coming at nothing like coming at the Avatar or Felix. They...don't even begin to compare to you." Elle spoke as she struggled to push her body up from the snow while the freezing air stung her cheeks.

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