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A short note to everyone that has already read this chapter, I added a scene that is the introduction of a new secondary character in this chapter. The new character's name is Nen, and she is Sia's handmaid. The first appearance of Nen with Sia is approximately an additional 5000 words of content.

Nen will be appearing in future chapter's with Sia, and her appearance is meant to both introduce her, and show Sia's mask as a noble which hides her true nature as the leader of the rising revolution movement in the Fire Nation.

Sia stood with her left hand now wrapped in a bandage before a table with her back turned to the door when she heard it open behind her while her guards granted her visitor access inside.

Just as she turned her head to find herself gazing back at Shima as he closed the door behind him.

Her golden eyes took note of the man's unassuming dress as he moved forward to greet her.

He was someone that she has known for several years now.

The man was her instructor in her medical training.

And not only that.

After she became embroiled in the revolutionary movement to her surprise he came onboard.

And she has since organized a network where she arranges physicians like Shima to go treat sick and injured Fire Nationals in the rural islands at her expense.

"That was some speech you gave out there." Shima stated in an impressed voice while the young woman smiled slightly back at him.

"What I can I say? I have a passion for helping the people. Someone has to take a stand. If I don't...who will?" Sia responded in an introspective voice as the physician stood gazing back at her with a smile on his lips.

"I know you do. I wanted to let you know that I have been appointed a station in Hari Bulkan as an on call royal physician for Princess Azula." Shima admitted with noticeable displeasure in his voice as the young noblewoman turned to him with her eyes widened in shock.

"That is...unfortunate. You have my sympathies." Sia answered with a grimace on her lips while the doctor numbly nodded his head.

"Yes...well. Because of my promotion it won't be safe for us to meet as often as we were before. Which means that you will have to find other doctors to fill in in my place." Shima explained with his hands in his pockets while the young woman nodded her head in understanding.

"I should be able to work something out. Just try to avoid displeasing her. You know how Princess Azula gets when she is displeased." Sia advised in a cautious voice as she gazed back at the man's fearful face in pity.

"I...am well aware of the rumors." Shima sighed in a resigned voice while the young noble frowned in agreement.

And then Sia paused for the briefest of moments as if she was in deep thought before she turned to gaze back at the man once more.

"So, I hear...that you are treating that foreign royal servant of hers...Elle..." Sia trailed off as the doctor nodded as he pushed up his glasses with his fingertip.

"Yes. She has a lung condition of unknown origin. Surprisingly enough...the princess seems...to value her more than the others." Shima informed as Sia held a pondering hand underneath her chin.

"I have heard that she possesses incredible power." Sia spoke in a pensive fashion as Shima shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't have any information for you in regards to that. At any rate...since your sister is working directly with the princess. You would likely have greater access to that sort of thing than me." Shima remarked in suggestive voice while the young noblewoman gave him an understanding nod.

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