Continued Travels

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Hours later.

The waves crashed upon the shore as Team Azula made their way out of the sandy dunes once more.

For the briefest of moments Elle stared over her shoulder with sentimental amber eyes while her friends gazed back at her.

Nako trudged along after having reunited with her princess.

Azula released a heavy sigh as she stared down at her handmaid's bummed out face.

"There will be other beach days, Elle." Ty Lee assured in a gentle voice as she gazed at her little sister's back in sympathy.

It really pissed her off knowing that those two assholes ruined Elle's day out.

"I was just nice to see the ocean..." Elle mumbled as she chewed on her lip only for a warm hand to interlock with her own once more while she turned to peer up at her mistress's gorgeous face.

"Ty Lee is right, Elle. You'll see it again." Mai soothed with a frown on her lips as she clenched her fist in revived anger towards the boys.

"There are thousands of beaches in the Fire Nation. If the ocean is what you wish to see then I shall take you to my personal beachfront property on a daily basis." Azula spoke with her stronger hand covering her pet's smaller hand while Elle's amber eyes sparkled in excitement.

"Really, Azula-sama!" Elle squeaked as she pulled on the older girl's hand while her mistress scoffed above.

"So long as you never forget that I am your goddess. I don't see why we couldn't incorporate it into the daily worship." Azula remarked in a haughty voice as she smirked smugly as she gazed down at her swooning girlfriend while all but her pilot rolled their eyes.

"The daily worship, Azula?" Ty Lee repeated in a wary voice yet even so she still smiled over how adorable her little sister was.

"O-oh, Azula-sama. My fire goddess..." Elle swooned with a hand on her blushing cheek while her dominant girlfriend pulled her along.

"That's right, my peasant. And don't you ever forget it." Azula scoffed as she strode with her hand over her little admirer's while the young girl flushed under her strict gaze.

"I would never, Azula-sama." Elle replied in a timid voice as she padded after her mistress while the others followed after them.

"I still can't believe that anyone was insane enough to bully you." Nako commented in a comical voice while Elle smiled sweetly up at the three highborn women.

"I'm over it! It's all over now. Besides. Azula-sama and my oneesans had a talk with them. So, I don't foresee it being a problem again in the future!" Elle chirped in an innocent voice as she strode with her backpack over her shoulders while her friends gazed on in amusement.

"Neither do I." Mai commented with her arms crossed over her breasts while Ty Lee growled in agreement.

"I must say though. It pleases me that you were ruthless enough to attack back. Good job, Elle." Azula purred with a charming smile on her red lips while her little girlfriend averted her eyes in the manner that she has come to adore.

"Yeah! Good work, little sister!" Ty Lee complimented with a grin while Elle continued to blush adorably.

"He was no match for me, oneesan!" Elle boasted with innocent pride in her voice as she puffed out her chest while her friends smiled in amusement.

"Clearly not." Mai stated with fondness in her voice as she cracked a smile while Elle clumsily began swinging her fist in the air.

"You should have seen his face after I gave him the Elle strike!" Elle piped as she punched the air while the group raised a comical brow over the silly name.

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