Mochi and Kinship

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Team Azula waited patiently while their young friend now knelt putting several small belongings back in her bag that had spilled when the princess noticed her bottle of anti-depressants.

Ty Lee smiled while she sat gazing at their chipper companion with fond brown-gray eyes.

While Mai also stared after the strange girl with softened tawny eyes.

And the power-hungry princess gazed down at the smaller girl's back once more with her amber golden eyes conveying her obvious interest in her handmaid.

"What was the point of that list, Azula? We all know that you don't need Elle's signature to do as you please with her." Mai pondered in a mildly curious voice while Azula smiled with a finger beneath her chin.

"True. With but one word I could legally render her a slave. Her signature bears no legal meaning. It is just too adorable that she knowingly signed her freedom away. Even if it was all just a game." Azula answered with her arms folded over her breasts while the other woman gazed at her warily.

"Elle is not a slave. Please...don't talk about her like that Azula." Ty Lee scolded with a slight drop in cheer while her spoiled friend sighed once more.

And even though Azula was too proud to admit it.,

She knew that the princess was starting to worry about what would happen when Elle discovered that the Fire Nation dealt in slavery.

A known fact that unsettled her greatly.

But she was also well aware that not even she could convince Azula to free their slaves if she became Fire Lord.

But Elle on the other hand.

Ty Lee couldn't help but smile thoughtfully while she gazed between the young girl and the princess's callous face.

If anyone can convince Azula to show mercy it would was Elle and Elle alone.

That was when their collective attentions were gained by a joyful shout from their young friend.

"Azula-sama! I found another bag of sour patch kids!" Elle announced in an innocently victorious voice unaware that Azula was now stiffening with an expression of disgust on her regal face.

The two noblewomen stared at their leader in amusement while they watched the princess's lips curl into a repulsed frown.

'No! I am not eating anymore of that revolting peasant chow!' The princess thought with a disgusted hiss just when her belly rumbled loudly once more.

An ever so slight twinge of pink appeared on her cheeks when her doting pet spun around with an ever-attentive smile.

While the two noblewomen gazed on in amusement when they saw their adopted little sister spring to her feet as soon as she heard Azula's stomach growl.

The fact that Azula had trained the poor girl to stand whenever she heard her stomach growl was not lost on either of them.

"Have you now?" Azula questioned with her arms crossed over her breasts while she scowled when the grudgingly adorable girl waved the infernal bag at her.

"Mhm! Your stomachs growling really loud! You should eat it!" Elle offered with a worshipful smile while the princess stared down at her with her lips curling in disgust.

"Be the sour patch lord, Azula." Mai taunted with Ty Lee giggling beside her while their princess tensed up in her anger.

"I couldn't live with myself if I ate your last bag of...vegetarian food." Azula assured with a wave of her hand while her subordinates snickered at her back.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now