Hotel Stay

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Later on, in the evening.

Elle scampered along as she followed after her highborn mistress into an extravagant hotel for only the highest class of society.

She nervously padded after her girlfriend's footsteps while her mouth fell open in awe as she gazed all around her.

"Wow, Azula-sama! This place is really big!" Elle exclaimed with childish awe in her voice as she trotted after her mistress while Azula released a haughty snort.

"I suppose I could see how you would think that, servant." Azula stated in a pompous voice with her hands at her hips while she gazed back at her excited handmaid.

"It's so amazing, Princess! I have never been in such an extravagant hotel before!" Elle piped with her hands grasping the straps of her backpack as she turned to marvel at a gift shop while her mistress sighed over her.

"Come along now, Elle. Do try to keep up." Azula commanded with a hand on her hip while she turned to stare down at her innocent companion.

Only to sigh not a moment later as she noticed how her handmaid was gazing longingly through the glass window with sparkling amber eyes.

"Is there something you want, servant?" Azula questioned in a smooth voice as she stood over her pet while the smaller girl began tracing her shoe along the floor.

"C-can I have a lollipop, Mistress?" Elle requested in a mousy voice as she averted her eyes from Azula's approving gaze while the princess's lips curled up into a softened smile.

"I suppose I could reward you. You have been on exemplary behavior." Azula remarked with a fingernail under her chin as her smile grew by tenfold when her little girlfriend bounced in a bow.

"Arigatou gozaimasu, Azula-sama!" Elle cried out as she smiled widely while her mistress smirked down at her.

"Hm. A lollipop it is then." Azula commented as she twirled a finger in her hair before she entered the shop while her serving girl scampered after her.

And then the shop doors clang shut.

And a few minutes later the princess walked out with her young companion rushing alongside her with a lollipop now in hand.

"Let's go get a room, Elle." Azula spoke as she gracefully strode through the vast hotel while her servant followed alongside her.

"Okay! You're the boss!" Elle agreed in a happy voice as she sucked on her lollipop while Azula's smirk continued to grow larger.

"So, I am." Azula answered before she began to make her way towards the check in desk.

And so, they went about their business.

Not ten minutes later the duo walked through the hall of the magnificent hotel only to come to a stop when they saw the other three members of their party approaching ahead of them.

The two noblewomen were now accompanied by their new pilot friend who had gone off to do her own thing while they dealt with Elle's appointment.

"I was told by Ty Lee that you summoned me, Princess?" Nako questioned as she braced a bag over her shoulder while she bent her head in reverence just as Azula glanced back at her.

"So, I did. Tonight, we will be staying in the hotel." Azula announced in a strict voice as she stood with her hands folded behind her back while her amber golden eyes gazed down at her handmaid licking her lollipop.

"W-what? We as in me as well?" Nako responded in a stunned voice only to flinch instinctively when her princess's amber golden eyes pierced her soul.

And the two noblewomen exchanged an amazed glance as they gazed between their leader and their new friend.

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