Chapter 32

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I love you guys so much, thank you for getting me the votes and comments on the last chapter.

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"Okay, well how about we leave him to continue sleeping and the two of us go and take a shower?" "Together," he adds as an afterthought.

Zayn nods and within seconds he's up, already walking towards the bedroom. "Coming babe?"


"Zayn? Can I talk to you for a second?" He had expected Niall to call for him, but he didn't expect Maura to call him about wanting to talk to him?

"What's wrong? Is something wrong with Niall? Or James?" That's when the stress kicked in because what if something was wrong with one of them?

"No, don't worry they're both fine. This is about James though. I know he's been struggling with his sexuality for a while now, and I just wanted to say thank you." Maura had a tear falling from her right eye and that's when Zayn realized that it must be a bit of a sensitive subject.

Even if you have the most excepting parents in the world, it will be hard for them. He knows that Niall's mom fully supports him and his brother but it must not be the easiest thing, seeing as she grew up catholic.

"It's nothing really, James already feels as a little brother to me especially since he opened up to me and Niall. The least I could do is support him in all of this. I know it can be hard accepting yourself in the beginning, but I'm sure he'll be fine." Maura is by now full on sobbing and Zayn doesn't really know what to do.

Luckily Niall walks into the kitchen that moment and immediately goes to comfort his mother, he doesn't know what happened but he's pretty sure that Zayn didn't say anything to hurt her.


"Can I talk to Zayn for a second?" Blushing madly, he pokes his head around the corner of Niall's bedroom. Niall isn't sure if he likes this anymore, he trusts Zayn but his brother really seems to have a crush on Niall's boyfriend and he doesn't like it.

Zayn gets up to follow James out of the room when Niall beats him to it, kissing his boyfriend before leaving him and his brother in his room. He trusts Zayn and he knows nothing will happen between the two. He realizes that even after all these years, he does trust his brother as well.

"So umm.. I just, I know that  you guys will be staying for another week and I finish school in three days, and I was just wondering if I could maybe come with you and Niall to London for a while?

And I mean, it's alright if you say no. But I feel like I might get to know myself better over there, without all of these people looking over me and such." He rambles, he knows he's rambling but he can't help himself, he really wants this.

"Umm, I am honestly just a bit surprised really. I didn't expect this but I guess that if Niall and the other boys are alright with it, it could be arranged, you could take Niall's old guestroom and make it yours. But I mean your mum must agree!" He can see James nodding excitedly out of the corner of his eye and he smiles.

He knows that the boys will be alright with it, so will Niall so it's ju- "My mom already agreed, I asked her yesterday and she told me that if you guys were okay with it than she was as well, told me she trusted you guys to take care of me."

"Niall, babe?" His boyfriend's footsteps could be heard on the stairs and within a minute he was standing in the room again.

"Right, so James here just asked me something and I agree with it, but I do need your opinion on it." Zayn tells his boyfriend, pulling him in his lap because he honestly can't have him in the same room without touching him, it feels like it's impossible.

Niall nods for him to continue, so he does "as you probably know, James finishes school in three days and he was wondering if he could maybe stay with us for a while after that."

"I just feel like I could get to know myself better in London then I could here, with everyone watching and judging, I just don't feel like I have the freedom to figure out what I want. I will go and find a job somewhere to help pay for my things, I promise!" James finishes.

"I'm alright with it on one condition, we find a job that we can do together. I don't want you running around London on your own just yet and I don't mind doing some work." By the way Zayn's hand starts gripping his waist tighter he knows that he isn't happy with it.

"Thank you so much!" James pulls his older brother in for a hug with tears in his eyes, he's so happy that they are willing to give him this opportunity.

"I'm going to pack!"


"Promise the three of you will come visit soon?" Maura is already crying and Zayn feels for her, she has to see both her sons leave for London not knowing when they will visit again.

"We promise mum!" The boys chorus and they all pile into a group hug, before Zayn even realizes it he's being pulled into it as well.

Zayn feels at home with Niall's family, and he hopes that Niall's family will feel at home with him and the boys as well when they come and visit.

I know it's not long and all, but I needed a filler before shit is gonna go down again! ;)

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