Chapter 30

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guys you really need to comment more! :( 
I got like 3 comments on the last chapter :(


 “I just want to know what that ring is Niall, you’re too young to be engaged.” Greg tells his younger brother and Niall sort of lets out a laugh, it isn’t really a laugh of happiness though, because he’s frustrated with his older brother.

“It’s not an engagement ring Greg, and even if it was, you don’t know shit about my life. I’m not too young to be engaged, yes it would be early but I love Zayn and I know that he loves me too. But no we’re not engaged yet.” Niall is frustrated, his brother should be happy for him, can’t he see that Niall and Zayn love each other?

“Okay, well I’m glad it’s not an engagement ring. But if it isn’t an engagement ring then what is it?” He asks and Zayn tells him that it’s a promise ring.

They end the discussion right there and walk back into the dining room to finish their meal.


The rest of the evening goes by pretty smoothly and before they even know it, it’s evening and it’s time to go to bed. At first Zayn could see that Niall’s parents and brothers didn’t really like him, but towards the end of the evening they were already warming up to him. Niall’s mother did like him though, at least he though so, she was very happy because Zayn brought Niall back home, but she wasn’t too fond of his tattoo’s in the beginning.

They didn’t really like the idea of Niall and Zayn sleeping in the same bed either, but Niall just told them that he has been living with Zayn for a while now, meaning that they have been sharing a bed all the time that he has been staying there (even though that’s not entirely true) and for some reason they agreed after that. They still weren’t happy about it, but they agreed.

“I don’t think they really like me.” Zayn says as soon as the door of Niall’s childhood bedroom closes behind them. Niall’s head turns around to face him so fast that it would be hilarious if Zayn wasn’t feeling so insecure at the moment.

He normally doesn’t really care what people think about him but these are Niall’s parents and brothers for god’s sake. He wants these people to like him, because he knows that now that Niall is back in contact with them again he will be seeing them a lot more often from now on.

“They do, I swear, they’re just scared you’ll hurt me. They’ll get used to you and they will love you just as much as I love you!” Niall tells his boyfriend and Zayn smiles, normally it’s the other way around. He’s always the one comforting Niall, so it’s kind of nice to be the one that’s being told reassuring words.

“Thanks babe,” he says and pulls his boyfriend in for a kiss, ofcourse with their luck someone walks in just at that moment. Now, it isn’t the first time it happened, but normally it would be one of the boys, and although that’s always awkward, it’s nowhere near as awkward as at this moment.

“GROOSSSSS!” Niall’s younger brother, James, yells when he walks into the room and sees the two boys kissing. “James, what are you doing here?” Niall asks his 16 year old brother with a sigh. It’s not that he doesn’t love his family, because he does, he really does, but right now he could just kill his little brother, why did he have to walk in right at the moment he did? He could’ve just walked in a few minutes later, but no, ofcourse not.

“Well Niall, it’s nice seeing you as well, but anyways. I’m actually here to ask you something, so umm… if your boyfriend could like, leave? For just a few minutes?” James asks and Niall laughs, he doesn’t mind Zayn hearing any of the things his little brother is going to say, he trusts Zayn and there isn’t really anything that he’s trying to keep a secret from his boyfriend.

“It’s fine, he can stay, I don’t keep anything from him really.” What Niall totally didn’t except though was his brother’s answer, he didn’t expect him to say that he wanted to asks him for some dating advice and that he didn’t really know if he was comfortable with Zayn being around.

“Zayn is great at giving advice though, so if you don’t mind…” Niall trails of, and luckily his brother tells him it’s okay, as long as they don’t laugh at him. Both boys promise that they won’t laugh and they all take a seat on Niall’s bed. Niall curled up into Zayn’s chest, and James crisscross applesauce on the middle of the bed.

“So.. um like, how did you know you were gay?” James rushes out and both boys need to listen very closely to understand what the boy is even asking. Niall and Zayn look at each other, it’s obvious that Niall’s little brother is in that phase where he isn’t sure about his sexuality, and they both know that that phase sucks, a lot.

“I just noticed that I wasn’t really like all the others, all the boys in my grade were talking about how pretty these girls were and I just felt grossed out by the idea of boobs and just everything else about girls pretty much. So at first I thought that maybe I just hadn’t hit the age where I would start liking girls, but then I was turning 16 and I still wasn’t interested in girls. That’s when I started noticing that I’d much rather watch guys, and that yes I was very much attracted to guys their smiles, and bodies and just everything that guys had and girls didn’t have.”

Niall is sort of shocked, because yes he did expect Zayn to help his little brother, but Zayn is normally very mysterious so he didn’t really expect him to open up that quick and tell his little brother all of that. He didn’t mind though, not at all because he could see that James was really happy about Zayn being  honest with him.

“I think I’m gay.” James admits after a few minutes of silence. The two older boys try to look surprised for the sake of James’ dignity but really, they had seen it coming, why else would the boy ask about how they found out that they were gay.

“That’s fine, nothing’s wrong with that.” Both Niall and Zayn tell the young boy in front of them, he is looking really vulnerable at the moment and they don’t want to say anything to upset him.

“I know, I guess. But it’s just that I don’t know what to do now. Because I kind of, like, yeah, umm kissed this boy.” He is blushing furiously at this point and he’s so embarrassed because he never expected himself to be talking about this with his old brother and his boyfriend who he barely knows.

“And I mean, I enjoyed it, I just don’t know what he thinks about it because he hasn’t spoken to me since it happened. But I really like him, and I mean, he did kiss me back so it can’t be that bad right?” James rambles and both boys nod at him, because yeah it’s a good sign that the boy kissed him back, but in reality it doesn’t really mean anything.

“I think, that you should go talk to the boy, tell him how you feel and see what he thinks about it. I know that’s very scary and all that, probably hella awkward as well in the beginning but it’s the best thing to do. If he doesn’t like you back, then that’s fine, I’m sure there will be lots of other boys that are interested in you.” Niall agrees with his boyfriend immediately, because yes it is his little brother they are talking about, but you would have to be blind to not see how beautiful he is.

“Thank you!” James says and comes forward to hug both Zayn and Niall before wishing them a good night and leaving the room.

“See, they don’t hate you.”


Super late update, I’m so super sorry guys! But anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! :)

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