Chapter 52

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After a long week of hard work, the pool room was finally done. Today was the day that Niall, and the other boys were finally allowed to see the results and they were all very excited. Niall knew it was going to be stunning because Zayn had been putting a lot of work into this and he knew how much of a perfectionist Zayn was.

"Alright, are you all ready to see the pool?" Zayn asked, standing before the closed door. Niall was standing right in front of the pool, being the first one that would be allowed to see the finished product.

"Yes, come on Zaynie, I want to see it!" Niall whined, bouncing around. He had been trying to sneak in all week, just wanting to get a little peak of what the room was looking like but Zayn had made sure that there was no possible way for him to see anything.

"Close your eyes." Zayn told all of the boys before slowing sliding the doors open towards the, now two times as big, pool room. He softly told all of them to open their eyes again and watched how their eyes tried to take in everything around them, jaws dropping to the floor.

"Wow, oh my god this is so stunning Zayn." Niall was already full on crying again and Zayn couldn't help but laugh at the way that his boyfriend was for some reason always crying, even though he was only just six weeks pregnant.

"I'm happy you like it, what do you think guys?" Zayn asked, he appeared behind Niall and wrapped the younger boy up in a hug, hoping to stop him from crying any longer, knowing he'd get a headache from it.

"This is so amazing Zayn, I would've never thought it was going to look this good!" Harry exclaimed, still looking around in awe. Zayn was happy that his hard work was being appreciated. He had been working his ass of for the past week, but the finished result was definitely worth it.

"It's great to hear that you all like it, but right now I'm dead tired, so I'm going to go and take a nap!" Zayn told all of them before slowly starting to walk back up the stairs, Niall following not too long after.


The time had went by very quick and it was now time for Niall's second appointment, meaning that he was now eight weeks pregnant.

The boys had all been working on the baby room and the play room for the past two weeks and both were almost finished, Niall and Zayn had went shopping a few more times to get things like blankets and all the other decorative things they could possible need.

"So how have you been the past four weeks Niall?" The doctor asked him after he had greeted the two boys and they had sat down in the same seats as they had sat last month.

"I've been fine I think, I've been really emotional but that's about it." He told the man and he laughed. Men being pregnant wasn't very common but doctor Harrod was specialized in these pregnancy and knew how emotional most would get, even in this early state.

"That was to be expected, you'll get a lot more emotional the further along you are. So before we go take a look at your little babies, do you have any questions so far?" Niall nodded quickly, he had come up with a few question over the past month and so had Zayn. They had voiced these questions to each other but really, neither of them knew the answer to them and they didn't trust the internet as much as an actual doctor.

"Will I be able to, you know, like breastfeed them?" Niall asked, blushing and dropping his head so neither the doctor nor Zayn would be able to look at him.

"That's up to you, if you would like to breastfeed them we'd start with lactose pills in your seventh month to help your body produce enough milk. But if you decide that you do not want that, than you'll just continue on like you're doing right now." The doctor explained and both Niall and Zayn nodded, the younger one had lifted his head when he realized that his question wasn't that weird and that it was alright to ask things.

"I do want to breastfeed, I know that for sure." Niall said and shot his boyfriend a little smile, they had discussed this and Zayn said that if it was possible then he would be fine with Niall doing it if that's what he liked.

"Also, are there any dangers or just something that could go wrong with the babies because I'm a male?" Niall asked, he wouldn't mind if something happened to him, he just didn't want his babies to be hurt or to be in danger.

"Yes, there is a risk of the babies having diseases like autism, the down syndrome, Aspergers syndrome or multiple personality disorder simply because the babies were made by two males and not a male and a female, but none of things are really harmful for the babies and they could just as well be perfectly healthy." Niall was happy to hear that there we no life threatening ilnesses, of course it might be harder to have a child with one of the diseases that the doctor named but they would survive, they would love their child no matter what.

"I have one last question." Zayn said, he knew that Niall wasn't going to like what he was going to ask, but he was curious. "Up until how far along in the pregnancy are we alowed to have intercourse?" Niall softly gasped and looked at Zayn as if he had grown a second head.

"We'd advice no later than the seventh month but I think it mainly depends on Niall and on how confident he is going to be, further down the line he will be up for it more but because of the insecurities of their own bodies most pregnant people cut it off before something actually happens so it's really just completely up to you." The doctor answered the question as if it was the most normal thing to ask.


"Zayn, that was so embarrassing!" Niall was just about ready to crawl into a hole and die, why did his boyfriend have to ask that? Surely they could have found the answer somewhere on the internet, he didn't have to go and embarras him.

Zayn just laughed, listening to his boyfriend's complaining with a smile on his face. He couldn't love this boy more than he did right in this moment.

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