Chapter 22

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Hey guys,

I’m sorry for the long wait, I just got to hear that my grandma has cancer and yeah it has been hard so I didn’t really have time to write, I’m sorry!
My holiday starts in a few days  though so I’ll try to write a bit then




(another part in the world)

“I’ll get you back Niall, just you see. I’ll get you back.”


“Can you guys all come over here?” A officer asks and they all walk over to where the guys is standing, Niall still clinging onto Zayn, not wanting to let him go in the fear of losing him and having to go back to Connor.

“Yes?” Zayn asks, still a little bit (very much) annoyed with all of the things going on at the moment.

“We’re going to have to take all of you into separate rooms to get your story and we’ll see what we’ll do after that.” The officer tells them and all the boys look over to Niall when they hear the word ‘separate’.

As soon as Niall hears the word he clings to Zayn again, even more than he was doing already. Niall notices all the concerned glances from the other boys and he’s kinda happy to know that they support him and Zayn.

Zayn immediately goes into defenses and pulls Niall closer. He shoots a dirty look to the officer in front of them and wraps his arms around his boyfriend. He does not want him and Niall to go into separate rooms, and he’s not planning on letting his boyfriend leave with one of these stupid officers.

“We are not going into separate rooms.” Zayn growls to the officer who is standing in front of them. The officer looks up at him surprised and shoots him a look that says ‘you don’t have any right to tell me what to do’ but nods anyway.

Niall smiles, just a tiny smile but it’s there, and Niall smiling makes Zayn a little less angry as well.


After going into separate rooms (except for Niall and Zayn) and telling the officers their story on why Niall is living with them, the boys were free to go as long as they didn’t leave the country in case that the officers needed more information or wanted to speak to them again.

As soon as the boys arrived at home they went to their rooms to change while Zayn ordered pizza because they were going to watch a movie together and eat pizza before going to bed. It was pretty late already and it had been an exhausting day for all of them, especially for Niall, so they knew that he’d probably fall asleep before they were even halfway through the movie.

“Zayn!” Niall yells from upstairs. Zayn immediately answers with a ‘yes’ and slowly starts to walk up the stairs, knowing that Niall probably wanted him to come upstairs and change together with him.

“Come change!” Niall tells him and pokes his head out of their room, already seeing Zayn walking up the stairs. He shoots Zayn a smile before his head is disappearing back into the room again.

Zayn walks up the final steps before opening the door to his room and walking in. What he sees when he walks in though is definitely good, Niall is standing there in just his boxer, and boy does he have a good body.

The dark haired male walks upto Niall and slowly wraps his arms around Niall’s waist. “What are you doing? Not wearing any clothes?” Zayn whispers into the blonde’s ear.

Niall shivers and slowly turns around in his lover’s arms so that he is face to face with him. “I was just changing,” he answers, looking up to Zayn with his big, blue, innocent eyes.

“Sure you were.” Zayn says before leaning down and capturing Niall’s lips with his own. They just stand there kissing for a while before they are interrupted by the door slamming open loudly and a shriek following right after.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I didn’t want to see this!” Louis yells and both Liam and Harry come to see what’s going on and why Louis is yelling and screaming that loud.

When the two of them see the way Niall and Zayn are pressed together, and Niall not wearing any clothes they burst out into laughter, immediately knowing what was going on before Louis interrupted. Niall flushes immediately and buries his head into Zayn’s chest, who only laughs and holds his lover close.

“Well, come down when you guys are ready.”


Sorry for it being so short guys, but anyway please vote and comment!
I’ll try to update as soon as possible!


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