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*Fords. Point of View

If we're doing this, we need to push our limits. Stanley and I don't entirely NEED sleep so we train almost 24/7. It took 6 days to learn to fuse. Victoria could be dead. Apparently Mabel noticed the Northwest Girl isn't responding to her telephone type messages so she probably was taken. Stanley and I seem to be forgetting slower than the kids, but yesterday Dipper forgot everything for 8 hours and 17 minutes. We're running out of time. I myself have even lost my memory for short periods.

Unceremoniously, the day arrived. The four of us left the safety of the shack, armed to the teeth with anything that shoots. We'll stop him. Or die trying.

Bill didn't meet us on the way. He's using borrowed time. And so are we. We must be swift, less we forget our Identities. So we set off for the Fearamid to rescue my granddaughter and stop Bill once and for all. And this time? I won't miss.

*Victorias Point of View

I finished the list. Two days ago. I've been trapped in a doorless, windowless room with Nill and a girl named Pacifica. Pacifica and I have had it off pretty well really. Good food, huge comfy beds, and no Bill. Its Nills room. Apparently he respects her privacy.

Nill plays with us like we're dolls or something. So we're always on 'adventures' as she creates small 'mountains' and 'castles' and 'forts' around the room. Fighting dragons and zombies. Note there is no quotation marks around the dragons and zombies. We've been busy. But never actually hurt, so thats a plus. What I can't stand is the huge fluffy dresses and high heels. My hair apparently is tameable, but only with magic. I'm tired of it, but its better than dealing with Bill. Pacifica is REALLY acting strange. She keeps forgetting me, and sometimes turns into a bit of a bully.

I think its Bills plan.

After a HUGE Dinner, Nill took us on a walk. We both know better than to make a run for it. Thats when Bill finally showed up.

"Heya kids! Mind if I borrow Mini for a bit, Nill?" He asks. For some reason, I'm not even scared.

"Sure! Just pwease don't hurt her?" Nill replies.

"Not planning on it." Bill returns and he takes me alone into the woods.

"Time for me to start. Everyone will forget everything the last few years. I'll work you into it. So who's the lucky meat sack who gets to keep their memories?" He asks. I already knew, from the beginning.

"Grandpa." I firmly state. I clench my fists to keep my hands from shaking. I gotta hold it together.

"Done and done. By tomorrow, it'll all be a bad dream, if that." He chuckles and vanished. Almost instantly, my mind starts slipping away.

I need to remember mom and dad. And Grunkle Stan. And Grandpa. And Bill. And Dipper and Mabel. Mom and- wait. What did they look like again?

He said a few years! I can't remember my parents faces! He lied! He only said... A few... Years?

Who said a few years? I'm so confused....

Where am I? What is this? Who am I thinking about? Why is my leg fine all of a sudden? What is going on!?!?

So-so, so tired. I need to-to sleep.

I lay down for a long nap. Maybe it'll make sense in the morning....

*Dippers Point of View

This will be awesome! We're stopping Bill for good this time. If not, I honestly quit. This is getting old.

"Hey Dipper? Do you think that- wait. Where are we? Dip Dop?" Mabels face went blank. She forgot again! We both already look the same as when we were 12. Now she forgot everything.

Forgot what again?

Then a knife bore into my brain. I fell over and Great Uncle Ford rushed over. Grunkle Stan was right behind.

"Dipper! He's loosing his memories! We must act fast!" Ford exclaimed. Then Mabel crumbled like a rag doll. Uncle Stan caught her just in time.

I'm loosing it. My memories.

The journals
The Author
Our adventures
Our friends
Our Grunkles
My summers and winter break in the shack

And soon Gravity Falls itself, is gone.

But it didn't stop there. 

My birthmark
My childhood
Knowledge in general



Bill's point of View

The plan is working, as I was 89.802774% sure it would. I watch from my perch as one by one, everyone forgot everything. Theres no spell to erase just a certain time. The brain stores and remembers everything strange and complicated. I can't risk that. So I basically turned them all off and on again.

One by one, the 5 sensed flesh bags across this hick town collapsed where they stood. I easily froze time within the barrier, and put my plan to work.

Sixer keeps his memories, sure. But I'll take the liberty of mixing them up a bit. I preferred him when he had gone mad.

Everyone else will be given new ones. I might have dabbled in fan fiction...

I'll re-arrange how everything fits. Mini Sixers Parents have been dead for a few months. She lives with her grandpa full time. Fordsy has been in this dimension for a few years now. Pinetree and Shooting Star live with them too. Their parents are ok with this because their mother is unknowingly pregnant with triplets. This family can't catch a break. I can't manipulate from outside town. That ones on them. I just made a call and convinced them to lets the younger twins stay. Given time, the parents will forget or move here. I love magic.

I readjust the people with a wave of my hand, including Nills pets. She'll be upset but we can get her a nyaralathotep like normal demons her age have. Don't know what that is? Look it up.

This is my town now.

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