Bills Rules

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*Victoria's Point of View

I hang in the dark room. It's been who knows how long? Minutes? Hours? Days?

Probably the second one. Its so dark in here. After contacting my Grandpa, Bill left. He came back a few minutes later, laughing.

"Let me go!" I had yelled.

"You're the one who chose to be here kid." He laughed. I mean, he was not wrong.

"What put you in such a good mood?" I had demanded. This just made him laugh again.

"Looks like some old friends of the Pines will dispose of them for me!" He laughed. A magic bubble appeared in front of me.

Mabel, the police and Wendy's family were just finishing up a fight with a crowd of people in red robes. They snuck into a building that was very clearly an evil bad guy base. Once inside, the lights went out. When they came back on, all of them were tied up, unconscious, or both.

"I feel its time to wipe some memories." The robed guy in front declared. A chorus of agreement rose from the other robed people.

"No!" I cried. They dragged them all into a room. Then the bubble split like a multi player screen for video games. It showed grandpa and Dipper tied to tables and Wendy tied up too.

"Bill! Help them!" I pleaded.

"Well well well. Someone's looking desperate! I could help you kid. You just need to heed to my demands!" He had tilted my head up a single finger.

"What do you want?" I demanded.

"Ehh. How about a puppet? Everyone loves puppets!" He offered.

"Im not an idiot! I know what that means." I told him bluntly. I've been told that one a thousand times over.

"And I know what happens if almost half of the Cipher Wheel is off the map." He snickers. I knew that even my family  can't get out of this one.

"Fine." I murmured.

"Great!" Bill snapped his fingers and I toppled to the ground. He stuck out his hand but I'm not that big an idiot.

"You can have your stupid puppet. But its a one time gig. And you have to help my family. No, you have to save my family. All of them. And you can't let them get hurt from anyone, including you. And- and- and I think that's it." I choked out. I shakily put my hand forward.

"I don't need loopholes kid. Its a deal!" He cackled and grabbed my hand. He gave a tug and there's no way to explain. But all of a sudden, I'm not in my body anymore.

"I forgot about your stupid leg. I can't help them without my means of persuasiveness even in demon form. We need to shake on it so I can use magic. Otherwise this is just a waste of time." He rolled his, or should I say my, slitted eyes. Bill is dangerous. With magic he's even worse. But then Dippers panicked scream comes from the bubbles. I have no choice. Why is it so high pitched?

Without a word we shake hands. Fire erupts from my bodys fingertips. Bill casually waves his hand and my leg straightens out. Like its normal.

"Cya later kid, pleasure doing business with ya!" He floated into the air and disappeared in a flash of blinding light. I can't follow him. I can't touch anything. I can't escape even. It's like I don't exist.

I managed to control how I float and make my way to the bubble. Bill in my body -what should I call it? Bicky? Bipper 2.0? Billtoria? I like Billtoria. We're keeping that- is beating them senseless!

The Courdoys are all still fighting except the little one. Starts with a C. I'm bad with names. Cami! Thats it! The police officers are both halfway up a tree, crying. And Billtoria is in the middle of it all, taking out a dozens of bad guys at a time.

They quickly retreat into the base and lock down all the doors. Billtoria just waves his (or is it her?) hand and the door disintegrates. The bubble doesn't follow inside, but after several suspenseful minutes Billtoria uses magic to float my unconscious Grandpa outside to safety, followed by Manly Dan with Wendy, and last of all, Mabel struggles along with Dipper, his legs dragging along the floor. They're alive.

Grandpa stirred. Then he opened his groggy eyes. He squinted. He says something but I can't hear it. I have to get there. I managed to turn in midair and I float towards the wall. I go right through it!

I navigate through the air over Gravity Falls until I see a section of the forest on fire. I have a funny feeling that's where Im heading. Sure enough, at the center of it is my body and my family.

"- so leave her alone Bill!" Mabel is screaming at Billtoria. I try to get her attention but she doesn't see me.

"Mini Sixer! How nice of you to join us! I was waiting for ya before I did this next part!" Billtoria cackles evily. My braces sparkle in the firelight.

"Victoria? Are you there?" Grandpa asks the air.

"I'm right here! I'm in the mindscape! Grandpa!" I get in his face but he cant see me. Mabel said I need a puppet. A physical form. I have an idea.

I fly over to Mabel. I reach my hand through her leg and grab her sock. Its a puppet! I drag it off her foot and the shoe as well. She falls over.

"Sorry Mabel!" I exclaim. They all heard me!

"Doesn't matter kid! I'm in charge here!" Billtoria laughed. He(she?) Raised my hands. Grandpa, Dipper, and Wendy all raise into the air.

"Bill! Stop!" I plead. Suddenly they all start writhing in agony as a thin stream of some liquid comes out of their chests.

"No!" Mabel and I scream together. She starts swinging at my body. Bill just laughs.

"Pain is hilarious!" He cackles and just shoves her aside.

"Bill! We had a deal! You said you wouldn't hurt them!" I exclaimed.

"Relax short stack. I know the deal. These morons in robes tried to stop my spell. I might be causing your family mild discomfort here but if it wasn't for this they'd be dead by sun up. You're all welcome." Bill rolls my eyes. Apparently the last of the poison stuff is gone because it stops coming out and all three of them fall to the ground.

The floating liquid all forms one big bubble that then catches on fire. Blue fire. I look around. All this other fire is normal.

"What are we going to do about the forest fire?" I ask. Billtoria shrugs. Then Bill snapped my fingers. Rain falls. The fire starts to sizzle.

"2 birds, 1 stone!" Bill laughs again. I had no idea what he meant until I realized that some people are melting! Wait, they all look like Grandpa and Grunkle Stan. They're clones! I forgot about the copier.

"Well. That was fun. See ya later suckers!" Billtoria laughed at the assembly and ran away into the forest. My grandpa tried to follow but Wendy and Mabel held him back.

"We all know that's a bad idea." Wendy says. They watch sadly as my body runs away and I'm forced to drop the sock and follow. I know they can't read my mind. But one thought dominates.

Please don't leave me.

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