Diamonds, Deals and more Dungeons

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*Victoria's Point of View

I hate it here. The Fearamid is terrifying. I hate Bill. I hate the Fearamid. But most of all, I hate myself. Just for a stupid necklace and a ring, I cursed most of my family, and poisoned my Grunkle.

I didn't know what to do. But when Mabel offered Bill herself, I knew. They're the adventures. They could actually find it. I'd just slow them down with my leg. Grandpa had been talking about fixing it permanently. Replacing my weird bones with some material that would grow with me. I'd be almost normal. He probably hates me now.

This is all my fault! I know it counts for basically nothing, but maybe this can be a step toward making it right.

Nill tries to play with me but I ignore her. Its not her fault, in fact shes nice. But I don't want to even see another demon ever again.

Soon she leaves the giant room in a flash of blue light and I plan my escape.

Theres no door. Or windows. Or walls that seem even slightly breakable. But there are some luxuries I can use to my advantage. A TV. A Z-box. A claw machine that looks like its made from diamond. Slowly a plan forms.

I spend a few minutes gathering what I need and disassembling machines. Soon I have a simple drill. The hardest substance on Earth is Diamond. I can use it to drill into the wall and escape. And he can't touch me. Or hurt my cousins.

I flip a switch and the drill starts spinning. Not as fast as I would prefer but this'll do. I hold it to the wall and it slowly starts to shave away.

I let out a sigh of relief. I was scared this wall would be made of something not from Earth and possibly harder then diamond.

I don't know how much time pasts but eventually I drill a hole into a hallway that's about an inch wide. I spread it until I can crawl through. The hall is insane. It has turns that go left, right, up, down or a mix of up/down with left/right.

My breathing is twice as fast and heavy. What was I thinking? I can't leave! There is no way out!

Calm down! Get a hold of yourself! I tell myself. I can do this. I just have to keep my thoughts clear and keep moving.

I look carefully around me. Eerie red lighting is coming from all around. But a faint natural blue light beckons from my left. Bingo.

I walk down the hall carefully. My footsteps echo in the vast hallway. The hallway suddenly drops. Beneath me I see the throne room. Its not natural light. Its a giant bubble where Bill and Nill sit with a giant kids pool full of popcorn. Bill laughing and Nill awkwardly staring at it. There's no way out of here, is there?

Dipper and Mabel found the flower. They're trying to carry it down the mountain. A timer floats behind Bill. 2 minutes left.

"Billy, can we give them more time?" Nill asks. Bill just laughs at her.

"Silly Nilly. If they don't make it in 2 minutes, which they won't, Fez dies and I hold ALL the cards. Its a Win-win for me at this point." Bill laughs.

Maybe this will make up for it all.

I shoot my grappling hook into the rafters above me. It gets hooked and I jump. I lower myself slowly into the room.

"WHAT?" Bill roars. He grows huge. Startled, I let go of my grappling hook and fall. Nill catches me with a giant hand. She places me gently on the ground.

"I'm not here to escape. I'm here to make a deal." I stand up straight despite the fact that I'm trembling all over. Bill can't suppress a laugh.

"Let them get the flower to Grandpa and Grunkle Stan in time. I'll do anything!" I plead.

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