Playing Games and Keeping Secrets

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*It Jumps around. A lot. Starts as Bill

Oh, Pinetree is like putty in my hands. He's questioning a lot of things and my old loyalty spell on him still has a bit of effect. He thinks its love! Ha! Mini Sixer is just a bonus! Hmm. Stanley ain't too bad at nicknames. I think I might keep this one too.

Tricking Sixers son and those other drivers into thinking there was an oncoming car was one of my best moves yet! I just wanted Sixer to take a blow, but this is working out great for me! It took a lot of power, I couldn't stand for an hour even, let alone hover. It took everything I had, but this will work in my favor. I have another pawn in my games.

I mean, Pinetree sure was fun to have around. But he can fight. I need a new person. Someone with influence. Gideon? No, too annoying. Not to mention that puberty is dealing some damage. He lost his cuteness, his charm, and his influence because of this. Not to mention his shrine to Shooting Star is about 20x creepier. I'm supposed to be the insane person, er, being, around here. This brat is stealing my job!

Perhaps this new kid, Mini Sixer. I'll probably have to work on the name. I'm usually good at coming up with these. Must have something to do with my memory loss. Fez made it, and his so far have been good, sure. But I'll need something new.

If I managed to take this kid, I'd have leverage over Sixer. But he could still be a threat to my power. I need a symbol without many options. But, like I said, Gideon isn't the ideal choice. I could take Pinetree, but everyone in his family would work as his symbol. And for all I know, the cipher wheel could change when I go back. They do sometimes if a demon dies. So who?

Then Alastor walks by my room. He still keeps forgetting to hide his thoughts. He's thinking about how nice it is that his sweater is red so he doesn't have to worry about blood stains so much.

Sweater. Shooting Star. There are only two who have that symbol. Shooting Star and Fordsy. I bet he doesn't even know that silly tattoo of his works for the Shooting Star symbol. He thinks the cipher wheel is set in stone. The symbols are. But not the people to represent them. Not to mention that Shooting Star can represent a large majority of my current symbols.

Then that annoying little girl Nifty rolls into my room lightning speed. She dusts every surface. I roll my eye in annoyance. Charlie races in after her to explain the concept of knocking. After running in herself. This place is a joke.

"Well, now that I'm here, I want to say something." She says. Please don't sing. Please don't sing. Please don't sing. Please don't si-

"I'm so proud. You've been a star role model for anyone else who might come here. You've repented. You are so close to perfect! In fact, if you died right now for the first time, you might have made it to heaven! There is just one more thing. I wasn't spying, but I saw you projecting yourself into the mindscape and talking to someone called Pinetree. There is one more thing you'll have to work on to go to heaven. I'll be the first to say it, love is love. But its a sin if you're, you know. Gay." She says enthusiastically at first and awkward and meek at the end. I know just how to play this. If I tell the truth, it definitely be a 'sin' to manipulate a child. Excessively. To this extent.

"I'm not. Because I'm an interdimenstional demon, I have whatever gender I want, when I want it. I'm typically a male because girls get taken advantage of. Like you said, love is love. So I used to be a male almost 24/7 but now I'm a female with Pinetree. He doesn't even know. Its only internal for me. Triangles don't have external privates. Only our other forms do. So that's my loophole. In fact. He is the reason I'm doing this. He's going to heaven for sure. I'll see him again. That's why." I say. I shed more fake tears. She gets awkward and leaves. In her mind she kinda trusts me more. For a demon princess, she sure is trusting. Never sees a lie, even if it falls in her lap.

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