It Was Just a Joke!

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*Stan's Point of View

I watch Mabel make her Mabel juice. I'm pretty sure its as illegal as stuff I do when Ford ain't lookin. Then she drops the question I thought I'd never have to answer or deal with again.

"Hey Grunkle Stan. Whats the 'Ink Incident' that my parents don't trust you because of?" She asks innocently.

"Oh come on! It was an accident! You'd think I killed the kid! I made permanent ink! Actually permanent! No applause for me though. 'You ruined him! He's going to think he's a freak!' Well I don't care!" I yell at her. She shrinks back but before I can even feel bad shes asking more questions. I decided its time to finally tell the truth. I hope Dipper won't hate me....

We gathered the family in the gift shop. I took a deep breath. They won't look at me the same.

"To start. It was all a joke, or an accident. Whatever you believe more. 2nd, Dipper, I'm sorry. But it worked out in the end. Don't interrupt. Mabel, put your hand down. This is the 'Ink Incident' that has been brought up WAY too many times.

One lovely day over a decade ago, two more Pines twins were born. A girl, and a kid with at least a dozen poka-dots on his  forehead.

I was working on a side scam based off of ink in towels I made years ago. I was trying to create the first actually permanent permanent ink. I just had funneled it into a pen when I got the news from Shermy.

The day visitors were allowed, I was there. After all, I had to meet the newest members to the family.

Don't look at me like that!

Fine. I wanted to know if either of you were 6 fingered in case it meant something. I had hit a wall on the whole portal thing.

Anyways, you were normal. Except Mabel, you have 4 fingers. Am I the only one who noticed? Yes? No?

Whatever. Gotta admit. You guys were cute baby's. I felt bad when you two both got somewhat similar names. Its cruel. I should know. Mason and Mabel will get confused if one of you didn't get a nickname.

Then I saw Dippers birthmarks. They were just a bunch of dots, so I- MABEL PUT YOUR HAND DOWN!!

Thank you!

Ok, so I said 'hey look! This one looks like the big dipper is on his forehead' because it was so obvious. Your parents didn't see. So I took out a marker and drew it out for them.

Turns out that my ink actually is permanent. That's why I'm banned from all hospitals in America with a maternity ward, Or should I say Ford is? So I'm going to run before you process this! Sorry Dipper! Bye!" I yell over my shoulder and am out the door and in the Stanley mobile before they even stand.

Of course its my brother, might I add the genius, who dove onto the hood of the car at the age of 74! So I screamed in -manly- horror and turned on the windshield wipers. It was like when the zombies came to the shack. Still don't know why that happened but I blame Dipper.

They surrounded the car. Mabel thought this was hilarious but was standing up for her brother. Dipper was yelling at me, give a list of times that 'birthmark' ruined his life. Ford mostly seemed mad that he isn't allowed in a hospital because I was posing as him. Heh, just wait till he finds out hes married, not allowed on airplanes, and is wanted by tourist trap owners all across the state! I'm not gonna be the one to tell him though.

I locked myself in the car all day until they finally agreed to a peace treaty. I didn't really ruin the kid. If anything I made him stronger! But he seems to have dropped it. I still am going to lock my door tonight. Not that that would do much against a kid who has fought and beaten a demon. Definitely not sleeping tonight.

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