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*Dippers Point of View

Great Uncle Ford is obsessed again. But this time its not fairies or gnomes or goblins. He's been trying to find someone. All night and day, he spends as much time as possible at his computer in the lab. The one made of metal. Not the ice computer from the igloo. That one has REALLY bad connection for some reason. He hasn't been taking care of the igloo either, and frost covers everything.

Might not sound too bad, but its hard enough to sit on those toilets. Not to mention the books are frozen shut. Its less liviable now, although it might have been for fun anyways. I walk downstairs 

As I knew he would be, Grunkle Ford is on his computer.

"Hey, is there anything I can do? Get a soda, or help with research. Maybe some food, I don't know. A sleeping pill? Great Uncle Ford? You haven't slept hardly at all, maybe I could-" I ramnled. Suddenly he jumps up from his chair.

"YES! I found her!" He exclaims and runs past me to his printer, hard at work. On his computer is a facestory page for a man named Benjamin Parr. In the photo, a man in his late 30's, a women in her mid 30's, and a little girl who looks about 12 smile at the camera.

"Found who?" I ask.

"My granddaughter!" He exclaimes. I gape. I look at the little girl. She has curly brown hair and hair skin. And a lot of freackles. She's wearing a purple headband with matching purple braces.

"Where is she?" I ask. He beams, clearly proud to know.

"She lives in a little town in Washington, called Hoquiam." He  says then turns and starts packing.

"Hokwium?" I ask. He turns and chops the air as he speaks.

"No. Hoke. We. Uhm. Hoquiam." He says simply. I say it over and over until I get it right.

"But wait. You can't leave town. Its too close to the solstice, right?" I ask. He slaps himself in the forehead.

"Darn it. You're right. Say, I can tell my son to come here!" He says. Isn't he supposed to have 12 PhDs?

"No offence, but if I were him I'd think its a scam. I'm willing to bet Gtunkle Stan tryed it before. Not to mention that I've seem Mabel use it." I explain.

"I think I have some sufficent evidence." He chuckles, then starts laughing maniacly. I slowly back up out of the room. I'll hang out with Mabel and Stan. My more normal family. I year yelling, anf grunts. And blows landing. Mabel and Stan are fighting someone! I race too the den. I bet its Lil' Gideon. That creep better leave my sister alone or else I'll-

Wait. I aeive in the doorway and fing them fighting eachother. And as they go, Stan drops tips.

"Arms up. Block with your right. HEY! That hurt! I'm so proud sweety, BUT NEVER LET YOUR GAURD DOWN!" and I manage to back away from this one to. Why is my family so weird? 

I grab my backpack and head into the forest. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I need to be away from them. I think its contagus!

I walk a ways, then stop at Bills statue. Its still holding out its hand. Soos admited to having people pay to shake it, but I still feel like Bill is offering a deal. Maybe he isn't just offering it to anyone. Maybr just to some people. Like me.

Nope. No. Never. Nada. And another word that means no and starts with an 'N'.

Do you honestly think I'm an idiot?

In fact, we should probably cut off the arm. Then nobody can shake his hand again.

I take off my hat and put it on the statue. No real reason. Just because. The I sit and lean against its back.

"Funny. My family is so weird I'm talking to a dead dream demons stone remains to feel normal. But there are some questions. I'll never get an answer, I know. But I want to ask them anyways.

For starters, why can't I remeber last summer? I know it had to do with you. But I don't know what. clearly my mind was erased, by I assume Ford. Anyone in my family really. What did you do that could be so bad I'd want to forget, or would even be allowed to forget?

And why is it I can't feel anything when I do think of you? That came out wrong. I mean, why is it when anyone says your name, everyone else gets scared but I feel indifferent. I know you tried to hurt my family. Kill them even, but I just can't make myself care. Why?

Or how about that you are a being of infinite power and knowledge, but you couldn't tell two people apart? Even if they're identical twins.

I guess it just has to do with whatever Ford was talking about. A disney relm or something?

Why am I even here? Talking to a statue? Its creepy. I'm outta here." I stand. Then everything turns grey. Oh sh-

"I can answer all of those!" Bill appears. I cross my arms, still not feeling any emotion. Something in my mind is tugging but I don't know what. I'm aware this is bad. I just don't care.

"I'll make you a deal kid. For every question of yours that I answer, you answer one of mine." He offeres.

"I've delt with you before, Bill. Tell me the questions first and we might have a deal." I step back. A bit of feat sturrs, but also something else. Something unfamiliar.

"Sharp as always Pinetree. Fine. You have three, so mine are these;

Who has Sixer been looking for?

What are Shooting Stars phobias?

Why did you come and try to talk if you thought I was dead?

Those are my questions. Deal?" He asks. I look for loopholes, but I see none. They all are innocent enough questions. Except Mabels phobias. Creepy much?

"The phobia thing is really just a hobby kid, and you told me yours last summer." Bill waves his hand around.

"Fine, deal." I say, taking his hand.

" The question about not being able to tell between Fez and Sixer first. They were fighting, so it was hard to pull apart their thoughts, and demons see in 8D, unlike you, who can't comprehend anything over 3D. All of my go to checks were present. Besides, they both were having regrets and I knew I didn't have long so I, quite litteraly dove right into things. Your turn." Bill explains, clearly ashamed. I get it, I do that with notes all the time, and I screw up a lot in trigonometry. At the time, I had some sort of isses with triangles. Oh, right. Bill. Triangle. Duh.

"Ok, uh. I came because you are the only one I feel could answer these questions. Thats kinda it, your turn." I rub my arm awkwardly,

"Great. The reason you feel nothing is because the way Sixer wiped your memory. He took away feelings as well. Because, as you know, your family isn't the most supportive. I'll say more next turn. Now you answer a question." He says, a little too fast.

"What's 'not that supportive' supposed to mean? My family is very suportive! Ugg, whatever. Mabel is scared of really dark colors, blood, sharks, heights, Claymation, our lunch lady, cliff hanger ending to TV movies, shows, books and fanfics, the color yellow, blue chains, and you. Most of those have something to do with the summer we turned 13. When we first came here. Oh, and she is creeped out by Lil' Gideon. Not sure if that counts as a Phobia. AND, Great Uncle Ford has been looking for his granddaughter. Now, tell me what you meant and answer my last question." I snap. He recoils a bit then returns to normal. Or weird. Whatever the opposite of normal is.

"The reason they cleared your memory is because last summer you came out as Bi. They made fun of you, and I came back in secret. I was unable to do anything really without a body but you and I became friends because nobody understood you. Shooting Star found out, and thought I hypnotized you or something. They tried to 'rescue you from me' but you insisted that you were just you. So they wiped your memory and sent me here, to hell. Not before trying to wipe my memories too. Which leads to my final question. Will you please answer it, Pinetree?" he asks. I'm numb, but I nod my head. He actually seems sad.

"Pinetree, the memory gun worked. Sorta. My question is, what happened before last summer?"

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