Deals. They're Never What They're Cracked Up to Be.

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*Fords Point of View

"I made a deal. With Bill Cipher." My granddaughter says, ashamed. I barely keep myself from using Stans personal favorite words.

"YOU DID WHAT?" He exclaims.

"I'm Sorry!" She starts to cry.

"What was the deal?" I demand.

"I-I-I-I h-had t-t-t-to put a th-th-thing in your d-d-drinks. T-t-t-to turn b-b-back *sniff* time. He-he-he gave me back m-m-my p-p-parents th-things." She sobs. We're doomed. We're all going to die.

I quickly get her some water and help calm her down.

"But you told us. So you won't, right?" Mabel asks. Optimistic as always.

"He says, says he controls time. He sent me b-b-back to the day you all got here. There was c-c-cake an-and there was p-p-punch. I put it in th-the-the punch." She stutters. We've been poisoned!

"I'M SO SORRY!" She wails.  We're all going to die. See, this is why you trust no one.

"He said one of y-y-you knew t-t-too much. So you all need t-to be younger." She stutters. I know the spell. I pull out journal 2. Ahh. Found it.

"The time curse potion. Able to make the drinker slowly going back in time. Any negative effects of old age or disease still remain. The general knowledge of all the time suppressed still exists. But is like a hunch at best. Depending on the enchantment placed, it can rewind anyone from a few minutes to their entire life. Cannot stop someone from being born. Is what fills fountain of youth. " I read aloud. Vicky runs off, crying, to her room.

"So, Poindexter. Can you repeat that in English?" Stan demands.

"We're getting younger bodies each day until we're at whatever age Bill intended." I say bluntly.

"£#;€@$%!" Stan exclaimed.

"STANLEY! THERE ARE CHILDREN PRESENT!" I snap. But he doesn't seem to hear me. He doubles over, breathing heavily. Something is wrong.

"GRUNKLE STAN!" Mabel cries and runs to help him just as he collapsed. No. Nononononononononono. No. No. Please no.

I feel for a pulse. Its there.

"I guess its my turn. I was keeping a s-secret too." He whispers. With a shaky hand, he reached into his jacket and produced a letter. Shi-

"DIPPER! CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I yell. He runs to get the phone. Stan can't die. He's Stan. He can't!

"Ford. I know what it is. And what caused it. And I'd do it again. It's worth it. I'm glad I got to see you, I missed you Poindexter." He smiles. Then goes quiet and still.

"No!" I sob. He's still breathing but he doesn't have much longer. I lift him with the kids help and carry him out to the bench outside the giftshop. The Ambulance arrives. I can't leave the kids so I have to stay.

Screw it.

"Dipper. You're in charge. I don't care if the shack is on fire. Nobody leaves." I direct him. He really is getting younger it seems. He's giddy with excitement. Please don't let me regret this. I hop in the back of the Ambulance. They can't wake him up. This is bad. Really really bad.

I tell them his name and hold his hand. They ask who I am to him and I just give them a look. I pick up and put on his fez and we look identical. Again.

They say nothing to me the rest of the ride and I'm forced to wait in the lobby. I take out his note. In his sloppy handwriting, I read some of the worst words ever.

Dear Ford,

People are supposed to write letters like that right? Doesn't matter I guess. When Dipper was a demon he said I had stuff I was hiding. I told Mabel. Sorta. I hate to tell you like this Poindexter. But I'm dying. Apparently wiping your forehead with a glove covered in toxic waste isn't a good idea. There is no cure or treatment. Its its own thing really. The doctors filed it under a cross between cancer and an autoimmune disease. Thats why I wanted the kids out here for break. And why I wanted to come back. Fingers crossed, but I'm not supposed to even make it to new years. But without that demon around we can finally spend time together as a family. I'm sorry to tell you this. But I'm not as brave as everyone thinks. I cried when the doctors told me. You were busy playing nerd games with Dipper. I kept it a secret. Demon Dipper said you could heal me. But its probably too late. Seeing you and the kids making that little igloo outside proved to me. You're gonna be alright. I'm sorry.

Mabel and Dipper are coming in now. Goodbye Sixer. I love you bro.

My tears fall to the paper. Its dated the day we made the igloo. I pull my sweater up and bury my face in it for an hour. This can't be happening.

"Mr Pines? Mr Pines will see you now." A nurse tells me softly. I pull out of sweater town and leap to my feet. I push past her with a quick apology and race to find my brother. I should have waited to find out the room. But after a few tries I finally find him.

"Stanley." I sit down next to him. Don't cry don't cry don't cry.

"Hey Sixer." He gives me a small smile. And I can't help it. I cry.

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