Guilty Innocence

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*Fords Point of View, then Dippers, then Victoria's

I watch the news with Stan as always before bed. The kids are both upstairs, and I'm worried. My Son and his family were supposed to be here today. They called yesterday to say they'd be a day late. Now I'm worried. I had built an entire new side to the shack for them to stay in. I figured Victoria wouldn't mind staying with Mabel and Dipper of course, at least for a while. And now they aren't here. Where could they be?

"This just in, there has been a car accident just outside of Gravity Falls. The Parr family was riding into town in their pickup truck when, according to witnesses, a drunk driver forced them off the road. Benjamin and Ann Parr both were killed almost instantly, but their 12 year old daughter Victoria managed to survive the crash is is currently in the Gravity Falls hospital intensive care wing. In other news, the Northwest family is moving back into their mansion after regaining their fortune through-" The TV blares before I shut it off.

"No. No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no. No. No, this can't be happening!" I grab my head and fall onto my knees. Stan puts his hand on my back.

"I'm sorry Poindexter," He whispers. I look up at him

"I need to see her. Please, Stan. I need to go." I beg him. He gets the keys while I scribble a quick note for the kids. I leave it on the kitchen table. We cram into the Stanley Mobile and peel off to the hospital. She has to be alright. Her family is dead, and its all my fault!

*Dippers Point of View

I hear the car peel away. I glance over. Mabel is snoring. She'll sleep through anything. For real, though. Its weird. 

I sneak downstairs. Its like, one in the morning. I look around but find nobody. I go to the kitchen to eat a fistful of shredded cheese, because that sounds good right now.

I find a note on the table. I grab some cheese and sit down to read it.

We'll be back by noon. There was an accident. Nothing happened to us, but we need to go to the hospital. May come back with Victoria. Please be dressed and presentable. Don't run off or do anything that could result in injury. This means you Mabel.- Ford

I put the note were Mabel can find it in case she gets up and I walk outside. The woods is, calling me. Its freaky, but I don't feal afraid. But I need to go.

I throw my vest on over my onesie pajamas and put on some thick rubber boots. I grab a flashlight and my backpack. Then some more cheese. Why is it so good? I finally put on my hat then step out the back door. I walk, not really aware of where I'm going until I'm there. Bills Statue. I sit against it and close my eyes. I open them again and I'm in the mindscape.

"Pinetree! Back so soon?" Bill appears in front of me. Pieces of the world around him turn red, black, and brown, like a bad green screen.

"Oh, just my new digs. I'm in a crappy hotel. Its no fearamid, but it will last the next, uh, 12, 12 and a half days?" He makes the meh gesture with his hand.

"Why? What happens in 12 days?" I ask, worried. Wait, why am I worried? Why am I even here?

"My memory keeps fading. Being a dream demon, when my memories all fade, so will I. I'm glad I got to see you again, before I, before I move on." Bill says. An actual tear falls. He doesn't really sound like himself.

"Bill, this sounds crazy, but I'm going through stuff right now, and I think I like you." I manage to say.

"I know Pinetree. I know. No offence, but I don't date people who are new to this. If I had more time, but I don't." He sighs. Even if we're just friends, this isn't the Bill that I was so scared of!

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