I'm Fairy Certain

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*Mabels Point of View

Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford argue all night. Eventually Dipper just takes me upstairs and helps me make a tiny bed to sleep on. But I can't. I'm a gnome for goodness sake! I also have a sudden urge to join a monarchy and bathe in squirrels. I have to fix this.

When Dipper is asleep and everything downstairs is quiet, I sneak down. Harder then it seems. Maybe because I'm, like, 2 feet tall. Maybe even smaller. Girl gnomes are smaller Grunkle Ford had said. I have to use a hanger, some gum, a board of wood and some yarn but I finally make it downstairs.

Silently, I creep to the door. Grunkle Ford is asleep at the kitchen table. I need to get in there to get out the open window but if anything moves within 8 feet and 6 inches, he wakes up. Dipper and I tested this when we were 12. If I get to close, he'll wake up. I can't let it happen. Sudden;y I know what to do. I grab one of Dippers freakishly too many sided dice and run to the gift shop. I open a window and turn on Grunkle Stans rusty  old fan. Then I race back to the kitchen, and stand right outside the door way.

I take a deep breath and roll the dice under the table. Then I throw myself around the corner. I hear Grunkle Ford stand up. The faint clanking of the fan draws him out. Being tiny, I hide in a plant. I watch him creep down the hall sideways with his ray gun up like James bond. The second he goes around the corner I dart into the kitchen. With lots of effort I manage to climb the chair and get on the table by jumping off the back of it, but the chair falls. I hear running footsteps. I leap out the window and land in the snow, completely buried. I wish I brought something more warm. I stay completely still until Grunkle Ford is gone. Then I crawl through the snow. Its not to much different from swimming.

After at least 15 minuets, I hear the door of the mystery shack slam open. I'm barely past the clearing.

"MABEL! WHERE ARE YOU?" Dipper yells. I'm tempted but I don't answer him. He'll make me stop.

"Mabel! Pumpkin, come out. This isn't funny." Calls Grunkle Stan.

"She clearly left because she's small and wishes to fix it. Look for tiny tracks, spread out around the Mystery Shack. I doubt she could have gotten far." Says Grunkle Ford. I frantically speed up. Even though its freezing, I'm sweating.

I find an oak tree that is slightly elevated so I hide under its roots. I watch as Stan, looking for prints, walks backwards through my trail, covering for me without even knowing it. I silently thank him. They keep looking and I craft some little boots with huge bottoms. I do listen sometimes Dipper.I use them to walk on top of the snow and move, like, ten times faster. Soon I can see the glow of the weird snow. Then that all too familiar voice speaks, filling me with fear.

"Well well well, If it isn't, Mabel. Right? Mabel?" It asks.

"Jeff." I say, turning and staring him down with pure hatred.

"Say, uh. You didn't marry us because we were different species. Which shouldn't have mattered, but we're the same now! What do you say?" he asks, kneeling and producing the huge ring again. Does he just cary that with him 24/7?

"I just want to turn back to normal! No." I say.

"We'll just kidnap you again." He says with a shrug.

"But you're alone...." I say.

"Uh, no. Come on Boys!" he calls out and and army of gnomes fall from the trees. I yell as loud as I can.

"DIPPER! GRUNKLE STAN! HELP!" I scream before they tackle me into the snow. They hold me down, buried. Huge feet come running.

"MABEL! WHERE ARE YOU?" Dipper screams again. I try to reply but I can't. 

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