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*Fords Point of View

Nonononono. No. No! NO! This can't be happening. I grab the defibrillators from a dar wall and shove Mabel aside. I'll apologize later. I can't let Dipper die!

ThuTHUMP! ThuTHUMP! I try it over and over again. 12 PhDs, don't fail me now! I look back at the heart monitor. Nothing. Victoria gets scissors and cuts away Dippers shirt. I try again then give him mouth to mouth. This has to work.

I use the defibrillators one more time. Dippers limp body jerks then he gasps. Mabel jumps at him and we hug him.

"DIPPER!" Mabel cries and grabs her brother. He hugs her and she hugs him and they didn't even do the pats. I eventually have to rip her away from him so I can examine him. Mabel stands to the side with Victoria. My little Sixer. I love being a grandfather. Just not the title....

"Remarkable," I murmur as I read.

"What is it?" Mabel asks.

"Well, if I'd gotten here even 5 seconds later then I had, Dipper would have slipped away. Apparently there was a flaw. One of the memories were tampered with. Or several even. Dippers mind knew this was wrong and was basically trying to purge itself." I say thoughtfully.

"So I almost died. Again," Dipper states. Its not a question.

"It appears that way." I remark.

"Well well well. My favorite Puppets are hanging out with some other pawns in my game!" Says an all too familiar voice. Its Bill. How did he get here? I have shields up! He's floating above Victoria's head. She startles and swats at him like hes a fly. He grabs her hand and floats higher.

"And would you look at that! Hmm, this just is too easy. Now, my wheel changed. I have to show it to someone but I can't guarantee they'll be back. I'd try it with Fez but you and him got some mind link Sixer, and I can't risk it. I'll take Mini Sixer over here. Or one of those two." He jerks his thumb to where Dipper is cowering behind Mabel. The poor kid.

"You cant touch us! We're protected by magic!" My granddaughter arrogantly taunts him. I can't help a groan. Never. Taunt. A. Demon.

"Hmm. The old unicorn hair trick. The thing is, It only works so well for so long and although it can't be moved, what its attached to can." He laughs, and using magic he makes her leg glow. Then he rips the brace off of her leg. She was then only being held up by Bill's magic. He promptly drops her and goes down to sit on her head. She tries her best to stand but ends up on her knees.

"So who's it gonna be?" He asks, swinging some random blue chains that came out of nowhere.

"Cipher. Don't do this. Take someone else! Leave our family alone!" I beg.

"Mini here it is!" He cackles the disappears with a pop and a flash of white light.

"NO!" I cry, but its too late. I'm always too late. I'm always loosing someone. Stan, Dipper, Mabel, Victoria. We almost always save whoever needs saving. But even in a Disney Dimension, there is only so much good luck out there. And we've used our fair share.

"Don't worry Uncle Ford. We'll get her back." Dipper says with a pat on my back. He's shaking from head to toe. I can't put him through anything with Bill again. Even Mabel is shaking more then she usually is. I know what I have to do.

"Kids. I need you to go to your rooms and gather up all magic that could come in handy. Your journal too, Dipper. The one you got from Madipper. It all could come in handy. I'll be in the lab. Then I want you both to meet me in the room with the copier." I tell them. They nod together and race up the stairs. I go downstairs and grab a gun, a ray gun, a few fist-fulls of unicorn hair, and my entire supply of fairy dust. Im sorry kids.

I go up to meet the twins. Dipper is panicking. As you'd expect. The three of us all make multiple copies of ourselves. Dipper gets really nervous around his clones. I bet there's a story there but there's no time right now. I take the original Mabel and Dipper to my old, not as serious lab. Where I kept the carpet. Now its Soos' break room but with no Soos.

Naturally, him and Melody booked it out of town before Bill got his hands on Amy and May. He always hated babys and he hates Soos too. It'd crush us if those poor saps got hurt. So that's why we know Bill would do it.

I make sure Stans emergency brown meat is still here. Then I tell them both to look for a glass vial with green smoke inside. While they look I grab the fairy dust. I hit Dipper first, then Mabel. They both collapse and 3 of my clones come in to watch over them.

The 4 Stanfords (including me) then line the room with unicorn hair and preform the spells. We then cover all windows from both sides, lock the door from the outside, and appoint 5 more outside guards. Then, for safe measure, I give one Ford a pouch of fairy dust and tie the both of the kids back to back on wooden chairs. I've been there before. Its not comfortable. But it will keep them from escaping. Their clones stay there to watch them too.

Taking everything with me, I go up to the attic and run off a few dozen more clones. Everyone thinks we'd turn on each other but I'm not that torn on many decisions. So its a safe bet we'd make it. Of course, nobody ever does this for some reason but to keep my clones from melting in the snow I have to laminate their lower half's. We all understand why weakness is demanded and accept this. Not one even asks for an upper half lamination.

About ten minutes later, an army marches through the woods. We're going hunting. And I won't stop until either Bill is defeated once and for all or I die trying. Although I hope it won't come to that. But if it must, I'm willing. Nobody messes with my family. Stan punched him to another dimension. Dipper sent him to hell. Mabel has attacked him with no weapons besides spray paint, her bare fists, and imagination. Now its my turn to fight the demon. And I aim to kill.

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