Sweater Weather

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Arts not mine. I'll try to put some of my windfalls art on soon though. This was just perfect.

*Dippers Point of View

As always, Mabel is wearing a sweater. She can't seem to get it through her head that its cold, and you need a jacket. I tried to explain and she just put another sweater over her one she already had on.

I was really freaking out earlier about Bill, but I don't really know why. In fact, I can't remember. I have a funny feeling it has to do with the memory gun, but some scared voice tells me to leave it be.

Back home it never snowed. Don't think I'm an idiot or something but they never said how cold it is! I mean, yeah I get its frozen eater falling from the sky. It still gets real cold real fast. Also, I don't think its normal to get 3 feet of snow in the Pacific Northwest. Then again its Gravity Falls.

Everyone keeps sharing weird looks. I think they're hiding something from me but again, a voice tells me to drop it, so I do.

"Mabel, lets make snow angles while we wait for Great Uncle Ford! " I exclaim. She agreed quickly and before we know it our backs are soaked and an army of snow angles lay before us. I'm about to head back in to change when Great Uncle Ford comes out. Can't chicken out in front of him! I still thrive to impress him.

"One thing I did minimal research on that I'd like to expand is the snow itself. You may have noticed it takes longer to melt and glows blue. This only happens in some patches across town. There is one only ten minutes into the woods if I remember correctly. It's why we get an unexpectedly high quantity of snow that lasts sometimes 8 times as long as average snow." He says. I do the shaky gasp I do and feel like doing anything the author of the journals says to do.

He sets off and I struggle alongside him l. Mabel takes the easy way out and walks in our footsteps to conserve energy but I can't let him think that I give in!

Man, I sound 12 again. What's up with that?

Soon we reach a grove of trees where the snow is blue. We take samples and theorized what causes its color and low melting point. We decided to be careful and not let anyone touch it in case its magic has negative side affects. Cue Mabel face-planting into a pile she gathered while we talked.

"MABEL! ARE YOU OK?" I yell running to the pile. A thumb shoots up from the pile. I sigh. Mabel gets up and is covered in snow. Like from a cartoon or something. Ugg got shivers when I said that. Almost like Deja Vu. Weird.

She shakes her arms and legs then finally her head and body. Great Uncle Ford and I both stagger back.

I'll start with the easiest things to say. Mabels hair turned deep purple. She has freckles. Our matching green eyes don't match because hers are purplish blue now. Whats more her teeth are straight and fine with no trace of braces. Strangest of all, are thin transparent wings sticking out of her back.

"What are you two staring at? Its just a little snow." She says nonchalantly. Since he is the coolest, most interesting, most intelligent, and most organized and prepared person in the universe, Great Uncle Ford has a collapsible full length mirror in his satchel. Don't ask. He's just awesome.

Ok, I really sound like I'm 12 again.

"OH MY GOSH! MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE! I'M A FAIRY! YYYEEEEESSSS! EEEEEEEEEEE I'M SO HAPPY!" Mabel screams. I can't help wondering what would happen if I go in the snow.  But I'm not stupid. Or at least that stupid.

"We need to fix this! We don't know what side affects there are!" I say as Ford says:

"We must change you back! There will surely be consequences!"

We both look at each other with a smile. Then focus back on Mabel. It takes the better part of the hour but we convinced her to dive in again. She didn't come out as we expected.

Now she has a bright orange tail and although there are no wings her hair is teal and littered with small shells.

She was freezing and dove back before we could stop her. She came out again as a mini female gnome. Since this was clearly not working we grabbed her, bundled her up, and I carried her home in my lined hidden pocket on the inside of my vest, which is over my coat. I run to the shack as fast as my legs can carry me.

I am through the door before Great Uncle Ford is even through the forest. I rush to the parlor and sit in font of the heater. I pull Mabel out. She literally has frost forming at the end of of her long hair. I warm her up then step back. She opens her eyes and looks up at me.

"Dipper? Whats going on?" She asks in a sorta squeaky voice. I can't help laughing. She puts her tiny hands on her tiny hips.

"Its not funny! You shrunk me again, didn't you?" She demands.

"No, that snow we warned you to not touch made you into a gnome. And your voice is hilarious!" I laugh again. How the Table Mabels have turned.

"Well Change me back!" She demands, stomping her little foot on my hand, causing her to loose balance and fall over. I laugh some more. Then Great Uncle Ford comes in. One glance and he knows what is going on, because he's awesome.

"Mabel! We told you not to do that!" He exclaimed. She denies it and before an argument can start I speak up.

"Actually Grunkle Ford, I think we didn't warn her this time." I say. He pauses.

"Huh, your right. We usually get to say I told you so in these situations." He says thoughtfully.

"NOT NOW GUYS! I NEED YOUR HELP!" Mabel screams with her little squeaky voice. Great Uncle Stan walks in.

"HOT BELGIAN WAFFLES! WHAT IS THAT!?" He yells grabbing a bat. Why is it always a bat? He has 10 guns!

"NO! Grunkle Stan its me, Mabel!" She squeaks. He stops, then like me he laughs.

"Ok Poindexter, when is she changing back?" He chuckles. Ford rubs the back of his head. Stan clenches his fist.

"Ford? When. Is. She. Changing. Back?" He demands.

"Uhh, we're working on it." Came the reply.

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