Time to Take action

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*Ford's Point Of View

We need to stop Bill. For over 45 years he has tormented me. Fine. But then he messed with my family. My planet. My home. I'll kill him if its the last thing I do.

Dipper and I finished our weapon last night. He got the idea from a blog or something called KBCW. Apparently he couldn't wait to get back to our adventures and investigations so he did research. On everything. E V E R Y T H I N G.

So now we just have to fuse them into two of us. Harder than you'd think.

The best options are probably Mabel and I. I am the only one who is actively fit, even now. And Mabel has prior experiences with this stuff.

"Family Meeting!" I call out several times. Soon we're all gathered in the kitchen. I pull out a cheap protective case and slam it on the table.

"We have a plan. We know the plan. Now we have to act on it. Time to stop Bill once in for all." I proclaim. Stanley beams and the kids cheer. Now I have to give the bad news.

"Two people have to be fused with these. Once they do, its permanent." I say with a flip of the boxes lid. A soft glow from inside illuminates the poorly lit room.

"Shiny!" Mabel whispered and reached for them. I slap her hand away, getting an I'm-going-to-kill-you-for-that look from Stanley.

"If you touch them, they'll be a part of you forever. You won't be human anymore. Immortal in more than one way. And you can NEVER leave Gravity Falls. Ever again." I say gravely. They all fall silent.

"Its my fault. I'll do it." Dipper says.

"But what about me? I'll grow up without you! And you'll never loose your puberty voice! And-and mom and Dad will worry!" Mabel stands up to pull him away from the table.

"I assume it's alright if I'm a candidate?" I ask. Stanley shoves me roughly from the table.

"I want out of this place already. Im not going to loose you again Sixer." He says with a finger on my chest.

"You won't! I'll die after you either way!" I huff. What did I just say?????

"Whats that supposed to mean?" He says, taken back.

"Stanley, you've been drinking since you were 9. You never maintained a healthy diet and only exercised when running for your life. You lived a, rough life. You didn't take care of yourself. I have till I'm 92. By my calculations, you have until- no. Nobody needs that weighing down on them." I sigh.

"Listen Nerd. I'm only saying this once. I don't do anything unless I want to. I'm not dying till Im good and ready. AND I LISTEN TO NOBODY!" He screams at me, tears in his eyes. He lunges and grabs the box. I cant stop him. One attached to him, the other went flying through the air at the kids. I can't let them be split up. I leap after it and catch it, mid-air.

Theres a flash of purple, then white light. Next thing I knew, everything if black.

*Mabel's Point Of View

I can't believe that just happened! The light went away and my Grunkles were gone.

"Grunkle Stan?" I call out. Was this a smoke bomb?

"Not funny, Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford? Hello?" I call out and step forward. Dipper immediately grabs my arm and holds me back. He reaches down right in front of my foot and picks up, a crystal? Then he picks up another one. What is happening?

"They'll be back. Between a few minutes and two weeks. They're in here." He says.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask him. Has he finally gone coo-koo bananas?

"Our Grunkles? They're..... They're crystal Gems."

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