Pity isn't a Good Excuse

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*Mabels Point of View

Bills going to kill Gideon. He might hurt Vicky and I. He probably will blackmail Grunkle Ford into doing much worse. Why can't I ever use my head like Dipper? Then again, he did kinda get us into the whole mess. Again. But its my fault too. 

I'm always making fun of him and I kinda gave him a hard time when he came out of the closet. I didn't mean to!

And  I pressure him all the time. I've been getting better since my trip to Mab-3l but I'm still so selfish. Dipper and I are watching a floating bubble in front of us as Grunkle Ford deals with Bill. He gives him the spell. Bill snaps his fingers and Vicky is free. She runs to Grunkle Ford and hugs him, looking back in terror. That was me once. I wouldn't look back now. I'd just keep running. Then Dipper and I are teleported to the scene, tied both to separate trees.

"Ok Sixer. This had better work. Your brother will be left behind and die if you try to kill me. Anything you need to tell me?" Bill asks suspiciously. Isn't he supposed to be all knowing?

"Shut up Shooting Star." He snaps at me. I forgot about his mind reading.

"No, it will work. Please, don't do this. He's only a kid." Grunkle Ford tries to get him to see reason, but its no use.

"If I don't you'll never believe me, I can kill, torture, or help whoever I want. Watch me." He raises his black hands and yells.

"⌇⌿⍜⍜☍⊬ ⟒⎐⟟⌰ ⌇⌿⟒⌰⌰⌇ ⟒⎐⟟⌰ ⌇⌿⍜⍜☍⊬ ⌇⌿⟒⌰⌰⌇ ☍☍" He screeches. Literally the words form above him like we're in a comic or something. Its very clearly not English. Or even human I believe.

Gideon starts screaming and golden dust starts floating from his ears, nose, eyes and mouth. He's dying. There is nothing I can do, but I can say something he's wanted to hear for years. Eww.

"Gideon! I think you're adorable! I love you!" I call. Literally everything stops and everyone stares at me. Gideon looks like I just accepted his marriage proposal, and seems to forget he's dying. He looks genuinely happy. That's what I wanted. Sorta.

 Grunkle Ford looks at me like he's not sure if I need therapy or to be hit in the head with a brick. Dipper seems understanding. Its a final mercy. I'd never date the little creep or anything. At least not again. Even Bill looks at me, frozen with his hands in the air. Utter confusion makes his eye twitch.

This awkward staring session lasts for about 10 seconds. 

Then the chaos continues. Gideon yells and Grunkle Ford cries out for Bill to stop. Dipper makes confused noises, I scream, and Vicky, not wanting to be left out, yells some of Grunkle Stans favorite words. Then Gideon goes limp and Bill raises into the sky. Gideon is dead!

"Yes! Ya'll in a deep fried bucket of trouble now. Wait. What 'ave yer done? I'm ackin folksy!" He cries in suprise. Great, now he's part Gideon.

Wait. £#"@ hes part Gideon! It's bad enough having that kid after me. A demon? This had better not happen.

"Why didn't you tell meh that this would happin Stanford? Wait, Sixer. Whats happening!?!?!?" Bill screams in agony. Maybe being part psychotic 12 year old will help us stop him. Not that Gideon had many strengths to begin with. Just the 2nd journal, a reputation, and persistence.

"I warned you. Now you are Gideon and Bill put together. We could separate you, but I'll want my brother back." Grunkle Ford somehow managed to suppresses a laugh. I feel horrible for it, but I forgot about Grunkle Stan for a moment!

"No! I'm keeping Fez. I'll fix this merself." Bill snaps and disappears. We all stare in shock.

"BILL! COME BACK! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Dipper calls into the sky. We really should give him his memories back, at least partially. This is messed up.

Then Grunkle Ford and Vicky rush over and untie Dipper and I. Dipper starts running into the woods but Grunkle Ford full on tackles him. He picks Dipper up by the back of his shirt and marches back to the shack, Vicky and I right at his heels. We look back at Gideon.

"Why did you tell him that? When you were telling me the story of everything thats happened here, you said that Gideon was a 'little creep and a big jerk' and that you would 'never date him again, even for a lifetime supply of gummy koalas and a million sweaters' so what gives?" She asks. We both walk in and sit at the kitchen table as Grunkle Ford takes Dipper down to the lab. Probably to give him memories back or something to stop him from trying to run after Bill again.

"I felt bad. He's been crushing on me for 2 years. He was in pain, and the guilt was killing me. I guess it was pity?" I tell her, trying to calm down.

"That almost is worse. Pity isn't a good excuse. In fact its almost worse. From what I hear, sometimes people around here don't stay dead. If he comes back he's in for more pain. Right?" She asks me, and I know she's right. 

"I guess you're right. It's helpful right now that you feel no emotion when it comes to death." I tell her. Although its slightly anoying. Who am I to say that though?

"Not really. I should be scared, or upset, or emotionally torn at the very least. What I know of the kid is all bad, but I feel nothing. Like you just told me that I am a kid. Or something. I can't explain. I'm indifferent to it. " she says, seeming utterly confused.

"You and Dipper will get along great. He's all sciencey and nerdy. He's had memories erased too ya know." I tell her.

"Really? What did he have erased? You 2 seem to have it all." She raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure Dip-dot would want me telling people..." I say awkwardly.

"Aw come on. I bet you're just making it up to make me feel better." She rolls her eyes and stands up. I grab her arm.

"Wait. You can't bring it up to him. Please." I whisper. She sits again and we bow our heads together.

"Last summer he was, he was tortured by Bill. I saw some of it. Or the marks I should say. Bill carved him like I carve blocks of wax. There were symbols and words and just normal cuts. Dipper got so bad he was scared of us. Or to go outside. Then, towards the end of summer, Dipper, he. I- Bill- At the end of summer, Dipper died. We found a way around that. Almost ruined the fabric of existence. We can't ever do it again. For anyone. Or this timeline will crumble. But he was back. Except he wasn't. Every knife, fork, every triangle even, caused him to shut down. We did everything we could but this break, we had to just wipe his memory. Don't. Tell. Anyone." I threatened her with those last words. Dipper protected me my entire life. Time to return the favor. Sorta.

"That's intense." She barely whispered back. I guess theres no good answer to that. And the hot fire prince has dibs on 'thats rough buddy'. So we both pulled apart and just sat silent for about 5 minutes. I can't get Gideon out of my head.

Then Grunkle Ford comes up the stairs. I run to hug him. Vicky takes a bit longer since, you know. The leg.

"Dipper is resting. I sorted through his memories and gave him back as few as I could. But I made a promise. I'm not forcing him through that again." He tells us with his chest puffed out. Why does he do that?

"Will he be normal Dipper still or crazy paranoid Dipper?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Only God and the AXOLOTL know." He says gravely.

"The who?" Vicky demands. We have a lot to talk about.

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