Musical Number

71 9 90

*This Chapter is Written like a Script. I'm sorry. Not entirely necessary to the story. If you can't understand you could just skip. Sorry.

Mabel is lying in bed. Zoom in on her head. Her dream appears. Shes in her bubble but she can leave if she needs to so its perfect. She is surrounded by colorful stuffed animals. And boys.

Zoom out. Move to Dipper. He is tossing and turning. Zoom onto his mind. His dream is also in color but Bill is back. Dipper knows its a dream but can't force himself awake. He backs up and walks behind a tree, coming out in a new place. He's now in Mabels dream. Bill follows them and it all turns black and white.

The twins stare down Bill. He floats closer. Intense string instrumentals start up.

Bill: Hiya kids! Fancy seeing you here. Not really. I'm finally almost back! Came to stake some claims. Our fun last summer only took away my physical form, so I'm right back where I started. I'm willing to make a deal. I need to either take a puppet or take out someone from the Zodiac. You Pines are getting annoying. I'm even going to let you choose. Pinetree and I never broke our deal. When I'm back it will be the same thing all over again. Kill another zodiac or get me another one as a puppet. I'll be back on the winter solstice. The strongest day for dark magic of the entire year. It was easy planting the idea in your heads, but you're here now, and you can't leave! Darn almost sunrise. Cya later kids. Cya real soon!

Bill disappears. The twins look at each other. Cue Gravity Falls theme song but the scenery are snow covered and monsters are different. And the characters are in warmer clothes.

Scene cut to kitchen. Ford and Stan are making breakfast. Each looking back then eating pieces of food as they go. The twins burst in. Both stop at once. Stan chokes on bacon is surprise. Ford helps them calm down and sits them down at the table. A stack of pancakes with smiley faces made from fresh strawberries is presented to each of them.

Dipper:  BILL IS BACK!



Mabel: *looks at Dipper* He said to kill a zodiac, not Robbie.

Dipper: Well its either Robbie or Gideon.

Mabel: DIPPER!

Ford: Now is not the time! We have to do what we didn't last time. We need to get you kids out of town. With no puppet, Bill can't even cause a threat!

Scene cut to the edge of town. Each Grunkle gives the kids a quick hug. Then the kids power walk across the border. But they don't. They hit an invisible wall that ripples. One ripples a shooting star shape. The other a Pinetree. Ford puts his hand on the border. A six fingered hand ripples. Stan does as well and the symbol on his fez ripples across the wall.

Ford: But how? Non-magic can come and go as it pleases!

Stan: But we're not non-magic. You said that the magic is strongest now, it must make the border more sensitive. Or something. I'm not the scientific one. 

Ford: I guess that adds up. Wait, you're right! Remarkable! The force field holding magic in has been boosted by dark magic and will only grow stronger until the solstice! Then it will gradually get weaker again! It must be the same for the Summer Solstice! Perhaps if I-

Stan holds up his hand. He looks towards the treeline. Dipper and Mabel both run towards their Grunkles. Wind starts up. Then everything goes grey. Then black and white. The four Pines go back to back without a word. Naturally, Ford has multiple ray guns in his coat. He hands one to each. Mabel also has her grappling hook. Stan has his brass knuckles as well. Dipper looks at them each and backs up closer to them.

Bill: Well well well well well. If it isn't the Pines Family. You certainly aren't getting younger Sixer. You either Fez. Its been a while. How ya doing Pinetree? Shooting Star?

Nobody answers. They all stay poised for attack. Bill raises his hands as if he quits.

Bill: Well don't all jump at once. Geeze. You make one, erm, a few dozen mistakes and now you aren't  *makes finger quotes*  ' likable or trustworthy'. The fangirls say otherwise!

Still Bill: Everyone thinks that Hell is horrible, and it might not be my favorite place, but its not all bad. But I swear if I hear another demon princess sing that ever demon loves cupcakes and has a rainbow inside of them. Honestly. Makes me want to sing. Hey look at that. I spent the last week making a song with a complete dance! CUE THE MUSIC!

Bill snaps his fingers. Lights appear. Although still black and white, they give the illusion of brightly colored lighting. Bills hat shrinks in height and turns into a little yellow and black Dixieland hat. A bunch of black shadows appear behind him as a backup dancer crew.

The lights stop spinning and all point to him. Everything freezes and then a fast drum starts followed by somewhat cheerful music.
Then Bill began to sing.

Hya kids!
I'm back!
Did you think that I was dead?
When will you get it through your head? 

Bill flips up Fords nose and slaps Dipper in the back of the head.

You can't kill a demon
You sure as hell can try
But its hard to kill a triangle
Who will never die!

Bill Multiplies into five, all dancing and kicking and throwing their canes around.

A being of pure energy
Don't you see?
Your fighting a battle
In a war already lost
You'll try to stop me
But it will cost

Bill turns serious. He turns into one, depressing looking trianle with a droopy hat and his eye turns black with a white pupil

A soul for a soul
My ultimate goal

Bill becomes peppy again, rises into the air and a grey spotight comes on him.

I will not loose
I've seen the will-be
One will choose
So the others can flee
The chances of your victory
Are less then 1 in 6,003!

But you know as well as I do
Nothing, no-one, not a being
Can stop me
Nor my eye all seeing!

You can run
You can hide
But the real danger
Is already inside

Bill points at the group of confused humans.

You thought we were done
You thought you won
But its not over
Till I say so

Shooting Star,
Question Mark,
Red, Stitch heart, the Northwest kid,
McGucket, Gideon, and fez

You think your smart?
I'll tear you apart!
Thing your strong?
You're wrong!
Could you stop me?
You can try!

In the end you all shall DIE

Bill laughed then disappeared. Followed by the dancers. The Pines all woke up screaming in unison at the edge of town again.

Cut to mystery shack, 2 hours later.

Mabel: So what are we going to do?

Ford: We can't let him have Dipper. We're going to have to do what he says. We're going to have to kill one of our friends.


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