Money, Magic, Mabel, and More

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*Victoria's Point of View

We walk into the mall. Its huge! And there are two floors! At the mall in my old town, there was one floor. And probably a dozen shops in total. More of a market with a movie theater. And it wasn't even in Hoquiam! It was in Aberdeen, the next town over!

Mabel dragged me into a place called Sweater Palace. There were photos of her on the wall!

"I'm pretty famous in here. They know I'll always come in and buy what I can. OOOOH! A dog playing basketball sweater! Wait, I already have one. Oops! Blaahh!" She laughs and sticks out her tongue. She says hi to the people who work there and then drags me down a corridor of shelf and racks.

"To be honest, I prefer to make my own sweaters but buying them is fun too! Plus I can purposefully get extra large ones. Last Summer I had a conversation with Bill-" she giggles.

"Never Mind all that!" Interrupts an employee on the other side of the shop. Mabel continues. I wonder what that was about...

"- and he said I'll start a fashion trend in a few years. Something called a Visco girl? I don't know much but they care about the environment, can sing, wear headbands, and huge sweaters so I'll get to claim that as my own. I'm sure there's no way this can backfire or turn on me!" She finishes. I just want to go find some reasonable clothes.

"So matching sweaters?" I ask her. She jumps so high her head hits an air vent. I'm then pulled down another row to an area marked light sweaters. We go through sweaters but we can't agree. She wants annoying patterns and pictures but I want plain. Then we see it.

Its mostly a pink so dark it looks almost red, but there are stripes horizontal across the sleeves and stomach in purple, light pink and light blue. Without a word we know this is the one. I get a size medium, so it fits. I try it just to be sure. Mabel gets one 8 sizes too big. We then head up to pay. Mabel grabs several other sweaters along the way.

"Mabel, good to see ya. We'd go outta business without you, now wouldn't we!" A jolly lady behind the counter looks up from an avoid eye contact monthly magazine to ring us up.

"Now who are you?" She asks me.

"I'm J-umm, Vicky. Vicky Parr. Mabels cousin. Nice to meet you." I smile.

"Cute. Say, why are ya walkin all funny?"she asks me. I step back and pull back my jacket to show her my leg brace.

"Oh I'm sorry, you poor dear. Here. Take your sweater on the house. Its the Mabel difference." She says sympathetically then winks at Mabel. I try to turn it down then see that the sweater is almost 50 dollars. That's insane! Never mind. I thank her and leave with Mabel. How can clothes be so expensive?

"So j-er Vicky. What's your nickname that starts with a J?" She elbows me.

"Its embarrassing." I reply and walk to the payphone. We have to call in 4 minutes anyways. Where did Fiddleford go?

"Come on, I'm sure its not that bad." She presses.

"Please, stop." I tell her as I put in a few coins.

"Vicky. You can trust me. Just tell me." She presses more as I punch in the numbers and then too many memories resurface.

"JUST GET OUT OF MY FACE!" I yell. Everything goes silent until I hear Grandpa say 'hello?' and I quickly tell him we're fine. I hang up and power-walk to the electronics store. Even with my new brace I'm hilariously slower then Mabel is.

"I don't know why you ackin cray cray, but I'm sorry." She says. She's still like a little kid! I'm just over reacting. I take a deep breath and manage to push down my rising anxiety.

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