Nillian Cipher

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*Nills Point of View

This might be confusing but stick with it to the end and it'll make since.

-So far in the past humans have no number for it-

"Bill! Help me!" I scream as the swarm of monsters ascend from the sky. But he doesn't here me. Or see me. Or he doesn't care. But they wont hurt him.

I see Dill get attacked. He dies and the world looses another Cipher. Then Chill. And Bell. And Mell. And Hillary. And mom and dad. Our dimension itself is on fire!

Kill disappears. To safety. I hope. But my big brother Kill is a jerk. Billy and Willie are my favourites. And Mommy. And Hillary. But mommy and Hillary are gone.

I always have been the baby. And I can't grow up big as much as they do. Willie and I are alike. We both stutter when we're irrationally scared. That's the big kid word Billy uses anyways. Irrational. Scared for no good reason. I'm scared for real right now.

How do I get away? I call for Bill in my mind. Billy! Help me, please. I'm scared! I plead. He looks down straight at me. His distant look is gone.

"No, what am I doing? My family!" He tried to stop them. But these monsters just went around him. Like they can't touch him. Or he can't touch them. Willie gets close to him and hides. Billy pushed something into his hand. Willie grave Bill a hug and disappeared. I feel him leaving our dimension. Lots of my family are leaving. But in a different way. They're gone forever. Willie is escaping.

Wait, Big Brother Bill isn't hurt. The bad monsters can't get to close to him! He can protect me! I fly out from under out table and zoom to him as fast as I can.

"Nill! Lookout!" Billy cried, reaching for me. A black monster tackles me from the side. It claws and bites. It hurts so much!

I reach out for Billy with my mind. He tries to pull me into the mindscape. Then its all gone. No pain. No fear. Just dark. And warm. Like bundled in a warm blankie. Billy saved me. But, I'm not in the mind scape. I can't be dead. Billy saved me. Right?

But where am I?

I don't care. Its warm. And fuzzy. I'm safe.

Pieces of Billy come to. First his happiness. I hug it tight. Soon I absorb it like he taught me. I'll give it to him when I see him.

Then he forgets love. That makes me sad. He still talks with Kill and Willie. At least they're happy. I wonder when they'll come get me.

Then he stops caring. About life. People. Home. Maybe he forgets me too. I never find me in his dark hiding spot. But that's where I am anyways. Maybe I'm not really me. Maybe I'm Billys memories. Sleep. So tired.

I can tell time passed. But not how much. Time was Tilly Cipher's specialty. Shes little, like me! Or, she was.

Billy gets mad a lot. He wants to free another dimension. But last time he got tricked. He can't fall for it again.

This one will make everyone be in charge of themselves. But a lot of this dimension already is. I wonder why Billy wants to do this. And I wonder why he thinks he'll be in charge. If he's in charge then nobody is free!

Billy is like a grown-up. He's so big! Still silly. He plays Weirdmageddon once even, like we did when I was just a little baby. When mommy could fit me on the end of her pinky. I miss it, but I don't think he's playing with others very nice.

I think Billy is bad.

Very bad.

I think he's hurting people because he's mad and sad and lonely.

I think Billy didn't forget me. I think he misses me.

Everything shattering. I'm being pulled apart and scattered. Going away. I don't want to. I have to stay together. For Billy. But I'm not. The warm dark is gone. Now there's cold. Fear. Danger.


~All that just happened took place from Jill's POV over the last few trillion years. Sorry if its confusing. Feel free to ask questions if confused but plz no repeated questions. Thanks~

I'm awake. And there's color! I've gone so long without color! And I'm alive! Billy must have brought me back!

I look around but he's nowhere. I'm in a tube. No edges. But theres glass and a smooth golden wall. I don't see anyone out through the glass. I'll just teliport!

I can't. My powers. They, they're gone. I can't make a deal. Or sing. Or read minds. Or teliport. Atleast I can still levitate but even non-demons can do that. I'm Nillian Cipher and I WILL NOT BE TAMED!

Then a being I've never seen walks into the room outside the glass. He runs to me and grabs my tube. I yelp as I'm thrown around.

"Oh! You're awake! Anything I can do?" He asks politely but rushed. I still have all the 98 senses of a music demon. He doesn't really want to help. He wants to talk. But I'm still gonna try.

"I want Billy!" I call up to him. He does that little 'Aww' face beings with mouths and two eyes do all the time.

"Billy? You mean Bill Cipher?" He asks. I jump up and down, causing my new room to shake.

"BILLY! BILLY! BILLY! BILLY!" I chant. But then everything is fuzzy and I cant even float anymore. I fall down and he yells.

"Nill! Are you alright?" He asks. He really wants to know. How does he know my name?

I start bawling. My eye flooding the little compartment with purple shiny tears. He does what he can. Which is nothing.

"Oh! Oh! Please don't cry!" He begs. Hes not saying because he's worried for me. He's scared of my brother. Why? Billy is good. I wasn't sure for a while. But then he brought me back. He must be good. This being has no reason to be scared of Billy. Unless, this man is bad.

"My name is Ford. You can call me what you want. Everyone else does. I'm taking you to Bill but he can't know you're sad. I wont let you see him if you're crying." He shushes me. He's telling the truth. I managed to stop and sit still.

"S-s-somethings w-w-wrong. I n-n-n-need Billy!" I heave. It all hurts!

"I'll take care of you. We'll get you to Bill." He says. Ford sounds too grown-up. Hes probably not even 100 yet. I know! Fordy! No. Fordsy. Thats sounds great! Fordsy Fordsy Fordsy. I love it!

Then it all goes fuzzy dark again.

I miss color.

I miss light.

I miss Billy.

But I'm used to darkness.

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