Victoria secret

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Yes. Its horrible on purpose.

*Victorias Point of View

They all seem, unhappy. I think I made stuff worse by showing them this. But we don't have to worry about the crazy demon anymore, right?

"So. What do they all mean?" I ask them my drawing is horrible. But they seem to recognize the symbols well enough.

"Lets start with this one." Grunkle Stan says gently. Him and Dipper walk me through it, starting at the shell  and going clockwise. Mabel and Grandpa start a conversation about sweaters and what makes the best sweater materials while they wash the dishes.

"These probably means someone who is from near the ocean or collects sea shells or something. Its new though.

This, I've never seen before. Like, ever. That will be troubling but it can mean anything for all we know. It could mean we just need a human. That'd be nice. Probably not though.

This is six fingered. It could mean Great Uncle Ford, or now it could be you.

This looks like Grunkle Stans cane. That should be easy enough.

Question Mark is Soos. He's outta town but he'll be back. Without his grandma he can't do anything and Melody can only do so much for him while dealing with twins. They're the worst for a first time parent. We should know.

Thats clearly the cash symbol. As in money. And my money is on Grunkle Stan for this one too. He could have billions and wouldn't give a cent to anyone.

Stich heart. Robbie. I hate him. So much. But apparently hes useful. So yeah. Big jerk. Stay outta his way. He has NO trouble beating up little kids

Shooting Star. The one and only Mabel. Her favorite sweater has a shooting star on it. Not that you'd know, she wears so many.

That one is what we kinda just call the Fez. Cuz its on Stans Fez. Fez is a valid Scramble word. I won a game with that word.

Pinetree. Thats, uh, me. Cuz the hat." And I can't help interrupting.

"BILL SAID TO HELP PINETREE!" I exclaim. He turns deep red.

"Lay off, Sixer Jr. The kid didn't know what he was doing. Just leave him alone." Grunkle Stan snapped. He puts his arm around Dipper proactively and rubs his arm. The kids shaking. I can't imagine what he's been through. I apologize and they both stay quiet. I shut up and we sit in silence for a good 5 minutes. It felt like an hour.

"So, that's only 10. What's the last one?" I ask. Dipper tenses up again.

"A triangle with an eye. It literally can mean one thing. Bill. We can't beat him without his help." Dipper says.

Great. Its like in Parry Hotter, when moldywarts final horcrux is actually Parry. And only Parry can kill moldywart. We can't kill Bill without Bill. I'm nervous so I subconsciously rub my finger over my dads ring and stroke the smooth surface of my mother's necklace. I wonder if I should tell them. Not that it'd matter since Bill can't be stopped.

"Actually, about that." Grandpa steps put of the shadows. Hes so cool! Hes like, 100 or something and he's better at sneaking around then any sleuths in books are! I wonder if he's gonna figure me out who stole the capers....

The next hour consisted mostly of Dipper shrieking and Grandpa filling us in on someone called Nill. A few of us had caught onto there being another demon. But its still groundbreaking that there was.

"FORD! HOW COULD YOU KEEP SUCH A BIG SECRET? WE'RE YOUR FAMILY!" Grunkle Stan yells. This gets raised eyes from basically everyone in the room. I try not to look suspicious. I'm feeling horrible right now.

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