Quality Bonding of Every Kind

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*Victoria's Point of View then Mabels

It really did feel good to get off my chest. Even my parents didn't know the extent of bullying I was facing. Don't even get me started on John Baker. Its still nice. Mabel laid out the outfit and left to get makeup. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this. But all I've ever wanted was to be normal so I'll give it my all.

I check to make sure my blinds are closed. I've always been really self conscious. And nobody really wants others to see them naked. I take that back. Nobody should. In my opinion atleast.

I take off my work clothes- so I call them -and walk over to the clothes on the bed. I slip into the T-shirt. As I pull on my pants I take a second to look at the birthmark on my upper left calf. I swear I've seen a similar shape somewhere. Whatever.

I pull on the rest of my outfit. I look down at myself just as Mabel burst in. Bubbly as always, she gushes about how 'beautiful' I look. She teaches me how to braid, although I'm not really any good. Mine are all big and sloppy whereas hers are tight and typically small.

She attempts to tame my wild rats nest I call hair. As I knew it, it just simply cant be done. All those little ringlets are knotting themselves together. No use. So she just puts it back up in my messy high ponytail and plays around with it. I do my best braid yet on her hair, although its still horrible. She claims to love it.

Then she wrapped a towel around my shoulders. I was freaking out because I thought a kid was about to cut my hair, but then she got out the lipstick and I understood. Shes being cautious to not get makeup on my new clothes. I thank her before she applies a bazillion things to my face.

I learned what foundation, eye liner and mascara are. I already knew lip balm, lipstick, and blush were. Everything else went in one ear and out the other. Don't try to quiz me. I'll forget by tomorrow I'm sure.

It made my face itch, and I felt like ripping my skin off it itched so bad. Why do people like this?

Then it was my turn to do her makeup. It was bad. The lip balm and mascara were in almost identical containers and had similar brush-end things so I accidentally used lip balm on her eye lashes and mascara on her lips! If that wasn't bad enough, I pressed too hard with the eye shadow and hurt her. She said she was fine but it sure would hurt me! Ugg, I feel horrible!

Blush is a bazillion times harder then it looks. I had dark blotchy spots all over her cheeks and other areas where there was nearly no color at all! Then, when I was sure nothing could be worse, I realized I forgot the foundation. I'm pretty sure its essential so I had to add it. So I put it over the rest. The whole mess was so bad! I took a glance at all the other fancy makeup and told her that anything else I tried only would make it worse.

Together we went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. She laughed for a good 5 minutes. I on the other hand was in awe. I'm not ugly. I'm not one of those people who are all 'AH I hideous!' but are then runway ready. I'm really not. I dare say I have a childish cuteness. But I'm not really pretty. I'm cute. But not pretty. Not that anyone back in Washington would argue that. They're all jerks. Ok that's true. But I had some crappy experiences there.

We go back to my loft and Mabel gives the the 'full sleepover experience' with all kinds of stuff. We play a game of twisty. I win when left hand orange makes Mabel fall. Then we watch Nearly Dead But Not Quite on TV in the living room.

Then she digs out her old karaoke machine. This is followed by a story of a zombie apocalypse. If anyone else told me they fought zombies with their brother and Great Uncle using the power of song, not only would I not believe them but I might honestly call the nearest mental hospital. But from Mabel, in Gravity Falls, I'm not sure what to believe anymore.

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