The New Girl

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*Stan's Pint of View

Dipper sure was happy when I let him run off. I know Ford will be mad, but this is hard on the kid. He's never had to deal with this before. I think he should just buck up but this is the next best thing. He better not get that suit dirty. The rest of us go inside. After Mabel gives a tour of the shack we all sit in the kitchen. Ford didn't even seem to notice Dippers absence!

"So, kido, Whens the cast coming off?" I ask her.

"Actually it doesn't. I have a rare disorder called," Then she says some really long word I don't think I can spell. Mabel perks up.

"Hey! Dipper has that in his arms! Thats so cool! You're like, perfect!" She says. We all look at her strangely.

"I mean you have something all of us like. You fit right in." She tries to explain and trails off.

"So what are you into? I mean, I know you like everything ending in -ology but what else?" I ask her.

"Oh, well. I'm really into robotics and engineering. I made my grappling hook myself. It can hold up to 300 pound. In theory that is. I like to read, and I also like to write in notebooks. I keep a journal of my life, so when I'm rich and famous I can sell it. Its burnt though now... I also dabble in a bit of tricks. I won't steal any of your stuff of course. But I feel like you and I are alike in this way. I'm a bit of a con artist. One of the greats, in fact, if I do say so myself." She says, her eyes presenting a challenge.

"Oh, you think you know a thing or two? I could con circles around you!" I laugh. Ford is giving me a look and Mabel looks unhappy. I for one, want to see were this goes.

"Oh really? I bet you can't." She challenges.

"A bet huh? Its on!" I exclaim standing up. Everyone else seems confused, but I have a reputation to uphold.

"No, Stan-" Ford starts but his granddaughter cuts him off. She and I agree 10 bucks to the winner.

"What's the best way to get someones trust?" She demands.

"Showing false weakness or small flaws to hide the bigger ones! Next question." I puff out my chest like my brother does and cross my arms.

"No, preying on their compassion. Your turn." She smiles.

"What's the most valuable thing?" I ask her.

"Money." he says simple. 

"I'll give it to ya." I murmur

"What's the best way to pull a con?" She asks.

"Could we maybe not do this now? Or ever? At least not here?" Ford asks us. We both ignore him.

"By yourself so nobody can rat you out." I roll my eyes. Easy.

"Or with someone as to not raise suspicion." She crosses her arms. 

"You don't know what your talking about kid." I laugh getting up her her face. She simply pats my shoulder.

"I think I do." She laughs.

"Stan, please stop." Ford mumbles. I just look at the cocky little girl

"Then how come I got your necklace while you were distracted?" I ask her, holding it up. She looks surprised and grabs at her neck. Its gone. 

"How did you undo the clasp so fast?" She asks me.

"A con-artist never tells his secrets." I wag my finger. "Looks like I win." I smugly add. She does something I didn't expect. She smiles. Oh no.

"Then how did I get your wallet?" She asks. I quickly check my pocket. Its gone! The little brat took it!

"Trade you for my necklace." She says, dangling it in front of me. A picture of Dipper, Mabel, Ford and I hangs loose. We trade.

"I don't trust either of you now." Mabel says cautiously. Ford glares at me. The kids the one who challenged me! I think...

"I like this kid." I say and I rub my fist in her hair. She laughs a bit.

I hear Dipper come inside and run upstairs. Then he runs downstairs and leaves. Nobody else seemed to notice.

Mabel and Victoria bond over grappling hooks and braces. I even am growing to like the kid. Something about her is off, then again her parents just died. I whisper my observations to my Ford. My brother goes downstairs and gets his new memory feelings gun.

"Hey Victoria, this is an invention of mine. It will help you feel less sad about your parents." He tells her. After a good while of explaining and stuff she agrees and he blasts her. The invisible burden she was carrying seems lifted.

I sure hope there's no consequences from that thing.

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