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*Dippers Point of View then Mabels

Victoria healed fast. She's coming to live with us and we have to stay here all day. I don't want to. Today is, by our calculations, Bills last day. I have to be there for him!

But I can't. Because some stupid girl. Mabel wears a dress even though its freezing out. Its long and dark blue. Shes gotten good at making these. In fact, I can barely see the hot glue!

I'm forced into a suit. They all thought I'd have a panic attack because of Bill but its just a suit. Not to mention that if thought that, then why still force me into it?

Our Grunkles both leave to get her and I'm stuck with Mabel and a few thousand Welcome banners and gifts and signs. She even gets her own room, as big as the attic almost, with a loft! I heard her leg is in a cast or something, so how exactly is she even supposed to get up there?

I just want to run into the woods but Mabel would follow me. After an hour and a half the car comes back. A small kid steps out.

Ok. Not small necessarily. Smaller then us I guess. She has a mess of brown hair pulled back in a ponytail with a headband as well. And I mean a mess. Its all over the place. Not like a cute messy or on purpose messy. An 'I've never even seen a comb or a brush' messy. She has a stained red shirt on and some torn up grey pants. She has a trench coat the exact color of Great Uncle Ford but hers is too small for her. Its really torn up and stained. A pen pokes out from behind her ear and the pocket of her jacket. As she stepped out of the car completely, I noticed something else. Her leg has a light purple leg brace on it and she uses crutches to walk.

She walks up and Mabel immediately becomes as irritating as possible. Hugs and a billion questions. Then a handshake and a high pitched squeal.

"OH MY GOSH! YOU HAVE 6 FINGERS TO?" Mabel screams. Victoria nods.

"That's so neat! Like, 6 times the friendliness in a handshake!" She squeals again.

"1.2 actually." I say at the same time as Great Uncle Ford and Victoria. They look at each other and laugh. Leaving me out. I try not to let it hurt. Its just a little nerdiness. Nothing important. Don't. Get. Jealous. Dipper.

"You have braces too! And headbands! Wait a second. Is that a grappling hook?" Mabel continued. Victoria nods again eagerly.

"YOU ARE MY MOST FAVORITE PERSON EVER! Lets go! I'll show you my room!" Mabel grabs her arm and drags her inside. Great Uncle Ford soon followed. I might as well ware a name tag that says 'HI! MY NAME CHOPPED LIVER!' In bold color.

"Hey kid. Its all right. Now you know how I felt when my brother had his attention divided by you. I know it hurts but it will get easier. Trust me. I'm as underwhelmed as you. Just don't let it show. The kids been through a lot. I'm sure you'd rather be in the woods so here's the deal. Be back in 2 hours. And don't tear that suit! I'm returning it!" Grunkle Stan mercifully frees me. I run off before he changes his mind. Before Bill is gone.

I'm at the statue in minutes. Bill seams even stranger.

"I knew you'd come back. I'm leaving today but if we time it right I can come back instead of disappear!"he exclaims. I can't believe it! I can bring him back!

"How?" I ask eagerly.

"No, we got time. Something is bothering you. Tell me everything." He sits with his legs folded even though there's no chair. A couch appears behind me and I sit down. Its nice someone cares. So I tell him everything as fast as I can.

"When I see you I'll try to help. " he assures me. Just this little assurance makes me feel so much better.

" But it doesn't matter right now. How do we free you?" I ask.

"Well, you have to find and contain the rift. Then bring it here and shake hands with my statue. I'll even have a physical form. If you just shake hands I'll be back and only be able to visit in your dreams. There's only an hour and 8 minutes. Hurry!" And I wake up. I run back to the shack and practically throw myself downstairs.

I grab Great Uncle Fords old rift detector and container. He made it not even two days after weirdmageton to help incase we need to contain another rift. Then I change into clothes I can actually move in. Holding the detector I run back outside having only spent 4 minutes inside.

I use it to track down the rift. It takes 48 minutes to find it. I'm almost out of time. I bring the rift back to his statue. I sit there heaving, waiting for the exact time. There's only two minutes left when Great Uncle Ford comes.

"Dipper! We've been looking all over for- wait. What are you doing?" He freezes. Being a genius with 12 PhD's explains why he put it all together in meer moments.

"I don't know what he told you but its a lie. You can trust him. Just put the rift down and come here." He barely whispered from 30 feet away. 19 seconds. 18.

"No. You can't understand." I say and pick up the rift. Timing might not be perfect but its going to have to be close enough.

I throw the rift at the ground. Its much smaller and instead of creating the creepy x thing from weirdmageton, it poofs and makes everything within 100 feet flatten. Except me and Bills statue.

Great Uncle Ford is lying in the dirt. 20 feet away. That all happened fast. 6 seconds. 5.

"Don't. Please." He weakly mutters. I grab the hand of the statue. It turns to Bill and he floats into the air. His body rebuilding as he became 3D. I watch in awe.

"Dipper! What have you done?" Great Uncle Ford demands.

"You took my memories. You ignored me. Mabel tried to replace me! Great Uncle Stan accused me of things. You all forgot about me! You all stopped caring last summer, didn't you? But he didn't. Bill cares for me. You were wrong! He's not evil! If anyone is its you!" Tears well up in my eyes. Grunkle Ford seems very confused.

"Dipper, I-" he started but a chain with a collar wrapped around his throat. He kicked and clawed at it as he is lifted into the air by Bill.

"Sixer. I'm sick and tired of you and your lies and tricks." Bill turns red and his eye shot fire. Uncle Ford looks terrified.

"Bill. Please don't hurt him." I ask calmly. I trust him. I trust them both. But beneath my (hopefully) calm exterior I'm terrified. Did I make a mistake?

"Fine, but he's coming with us." Bill sighs. Great Uncle fords eyes roll back and he falls unconscious. He floats, his coat billowing in some breeze that I can't feel.

"I'm thinking its time I got the old Fearamid up again. That work with you Pinetree?" He asks. I don't even know what to say. I am lifted off the ground and float along Great Uncle Ford. The Fearamid rises again, but a bit smaller. This time it's partially hidden behind the distant mountains. He teliports us there.

"Back here is better. Harder to get to. Harder to see. Easier to take over from. Less likely loss of human life. That work for you?" He asks.

"Uh. Yeah. Sure. Are we gonna let my Uncle go?" I ask him.

"Hey. I'll leave everything alone if you call him by one of my nicknames." He giggles.

"Oh, so are we gonna let Fordsy go?" I ask. Sixer and IQ don't sound right when I say them. None of them do.

"Maybe later. Right now I wanna work on my memory. Its slowly coming back." He says. I nod. This makes since right?

Then why do I feel like I made a huge mistake?

*Mabels Point of View

Grunkle Ford left a while ago. Where is he? Victoria still hasn't met Dipper. When is he coming back. I hear a crash outside. It came from the forest.

I am out the door before I can even grab a jacket. I run down the path until it fades so I run towards the general direction of the sound. I thought I heard Dipper bit when I arrived nobody was there. The trees are all flattened and are facing away from one spot. I find Dippers chewed up pen right there. But its not what is there that scares me. Its what isn't.

Bills statue is gone.

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