Awake through the powers of Coffee

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*Stans Point of View

Ugg. Everything hurts. Another morning, another random body pain. I open my eyes. Wait, this isn't the shack! Where am I?

A nurse walks in, making me realise I'm in a hospital. The crummiest one on earth. Gravity Falls community hospital.

"Mr Pines! We were a little worried there for a minuet. Good to see you're awake." She says with a warm smile. I know what happened. Bill.

"Where is my family!" I demand. She is taken back at first, but must get this often.

"They had to go home. Visiting hours are over. They all snuck in past hours to see you too, but we caught them and made them go home. Its 2 in the morning." She says gently. I sigh. They're fine.

"I'll get you a nice hot cup of coffee." She says and leaves. I sit there. I feel like being a pain. So I think I will. Nothing better to do.

"Here we are. Your nice warm cup of coffee!" She says cheerfully. I take it. I wouldn't use the word warm.

"Its cold." I say. Her plastered smile falters before she says;

"Your nice cup of Coffee." She concludes.

"Its not my cup." I counter. Trying to hide a grin.

"A nice, cup, or coffee" she says through gritted teeth. I take a sip.

"UGH! ITS HORRIBLE!" I exclaim. She looks me dead in the eye. Shes clearly been in this situation, before.

"A cup of coffee." She huffs and starts to leave.

"I don't think this is even coffee." I mumble. She whips around.

"Well its a cup. You happy? And now its mine. But if you need anything Mr Pines," She snaps, taking the cup from my hands. And she storms out of the room.

What did I ever do to her? She didn't even finish her sentence!

I sit and stare at the wall. This sucks. I wonder when Poindexter and the kids are coming to bust me put of this joint. In the distance, a siren wails. Thats probably them right now.

A fire truck races by, and in the distant forest I see a faint red glow. A fire. Uh oh.

The old growth here will catch fast and spread like, well, a wildfire. I'm sure they're fine. I see a kid walk out of the woods not too far away. Walking like that intoxicated pirate from the Pirates of the Mediterranean movies, Jack Spaniel. Who ever it is kinda looks like a little girl. Nobody follows her. I have a bad feeling about this.

Then I see a little card on a table across from me. It's covered in glitter so its clearly Mabels handywork. I call for the nurse until she finally comes back. I get her to pick it up and give it to me. She leaves and I open it.

It clearly isn't finished, but theres a drawing. Ford and me riding away in an ambulance. And on the other side of the shack is the kids. Mabel and Dipper are crying and Victoria is shacking hands with a floating black arm. There's no blue fire. Or triangle. Or a complete story even. But I know what happened. What have I done?

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