I tried my best

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*Stans Point of View. Again. Sorry.

I stay up all night copying every page of the journals. And making sure that they can be read. Blurry is just the kind of problem we would end up facing. Ford will need everything he can to stop Bill. As always. I honestly swear I'm moving if we don't banish Bill for good this time.

As I knew she would, Mabel woke up. I left Stan #8 in charge of copying the journals since he would at least get to see her again after today.

"Grunkle Stan! I don't know what you're doing but don't! Bill is dangerous!" She pleads. I sit down next to her and stroke her hair.

"I know he is pumpkin. But Ford can actually help save Dipper. This might not be a bad thing either. I'm leaving you like this. Bill and I are meeting in a half hour. I won't let you get hurt. I'm leaving Stans 3-14 in here to keep you here to. I love you pumpkin." I tell her.

"No! I don't want you to go! Please Grunkle Stan!" She cries. I wipe away her tears.

"It's not entirely a bad thing. I worked with a portal for 30 years. Its damaged my body. I'm sick Mabel. Dying. I'll be no use to Bill if I'm dead. Then all that matters is Dipper. Or he'll freeze me like he did with Ford and that might give me more time. See? When Ford gets here he'll know what to do. It's all going to work out. It always does." I pat her on the back. Stan #6 comes in.

"The copier is done with everything. I'll bring it here. You get the guys to watch her. Good luck." He tells me. He's a bit of a downer, and really ruined the moment. Mabel screams and kicked and beggs. It breaks my heart but I have to do this. I have #11 carry Vicky in with Mabel. The copies of the journals are put right in the center of the floor. Each Stan is handed a gun of some sort. I'm pretty sure a few have some effect on Bill. I hope. Its intimidating atleast.

I step outside not even a second too soon.

"Fez! You made it! I was trying to look inside but Sixer here put up magical blocks. You got the books?" Bill chuckles. Its weird. He sounds like Bill but the things he says are strange. Out of character even.

"I got em right here. Wheres my brother?" I demand. A bird cage appears with Ford inside. He stands proud and tall as he always does, with his chest puffed out. But his face looks like it was run over by a lawnmower. I'm not sure that will all really heal.

"Fix him up." I demand. Ford sparkles and looks much better. I'll take it. I show Bill the Journals. Then start a fire. I throw number one in. Ford yells at me as it burns. I don't see the big deal really. Not like it hasn't happened before.

"Let him go before I do the others." I demand. Bill shrugs and the cage fades away and Ford falls to the ground. Chains lock around my ankles.

"Mabels in the new room. So is Vicky and some things you might want." I tell him and throw the rest into the fire. He yells at me and lunges at me. I'm not sure if he meant to save me or strangle me, but either way, Bill teleported us away. I recognize the Fearamid immediately.

"Pinetree! I'm back!" Bill calls. Dipper walks purposefully around the bend of a hallway and into the giant room we're in.

"Oh! Hey Grunkle Fez. Not in bad condition is it? Bill said he's going to add some more space but until then we're all stuck in the penthouse together. Please don't act stupid like Sixer did. Bill wasn't happy. Besides, you have no reason to act stupid. I mean sure, a bit of a history. But Bills really not that bad. Lemonade?" He offers me a glass that came out of nowhere.

"Cipher! What did you do to Dipper?" I yell.

"Geeze. I'm right here Fez. In case you were wondering, I did nothing. That stupid fall last summer gave me a bit of a personality restart. I'm new and improved baby! I guess Pinetree just can't resist!" He laughs and took a sip through his eye. The maniac is more unexplainable then Mabel is! And she drinks dog milk and raccoon milk with plastic dinosaurs.

"Bill. Please. Just let him go! I burnt the journals. What more do you want?" I groan.

"You burnt the journals?" Dipper accusation echoed. For a second he was himself again. Then he changed back.

"Bill made me!" I exclaim, pointing at the little one eyed demon.

"Your the one who offered it up Fez." Bill sipped again from his glass of lemonade.

"Of course you try to blame it on him! You blame everyone else for everything! You need to take time and reflect. Bill, I'll be in the room." Dipper storms off. What just happened?

"Reflecting. Gives me an idea." Bill points at me and my feet turn to stone, unable to move. No, not stone. Glass! I'm turning into a mirror statue! I fight it as best as I can do is tilt my head back to try to breathe one last time before it all goes dark.

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