Too Easy

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*Dippers Point of View

That was too easy. Great Uncle Ford came back with Grunkle Stan and Victoria. This is never that easy. What are we gonna do? We beat Bill, but did we really? He isn't leaving. The best case scenario I can think of involves him just being annoying and driving us insane.

The entire day is really awkward. Great Uncle Stan was really tired and went to bed for a nap. Victoria, Mabel, and Grunkle Ford went into the kitchen to talk about something. Based on the weird looks I kept getting, It had to do with me.

Its probably because I got my memories back. Yes, they're terrifying. Yes, I'm certain to have nightmares even without Bill trying to help with that.

But they're all mixed up. And tampered with. I can't put them in order and I can't recall entire memories. Like someone broke them and stuffed them back inside my head.

I keep thinking its bad or worse. But then they leave. Its almost like the memory of a horror movie or something. Its scary. Scarring. But its like I'm watching it. I don't have any scars to show. Or any marks at all. Its like a horror movie I can't turn off.

The weirdest thing to me is my family. They all seem numb too, but are going about it too normally and its scaring me. They all have no emotions behind actions. And I'm over here with too many. They all seem in a trance. Victoria seems almost normal. The others, not so much. But its not a spell. So I guess I'm just the only one who doesn't shut down when confused.

Everyone seems too OK with this. Like the meme with the dog. In a room. And its on fire. And he's like 'this is fine'. You know the one? I numbly go through the house and end up sitting with the family. Victoria is silent until Stan walks in again from a good long nap.

"Grandpa. Guys, I gotta say something. We might not need to know it anymore, but I saw it. The wheel thing." Victoria said. YOU CAN'T JUST DROP SOMETHING LIKE THAT!

"What?!?" Grunkle Stan and I exclaim. Great Uncle Ford blinked heavily in surprise. Mabel did, nothing...

"Can you draw it for us?" I ask her. More like a demand. But I need to keep my family safe from Bill.

She grabs the nearest thing to write with. A glitter marker. Her hands are shaky as she draws the new wheel from memory. A circle with an outer ring. 11 symbols this time.

Ugh. Pinetree is still there. And Shooting Star, and the six fingered hand, and a Grunkle Stans fez symbol, the question mark, and the stitched heart. That's 6. But that leaves 5 we don't know. 5 that are new.

One new one has an eightball on a stick. Another is the cash symbol that looks like $ but with two lines through it. Another is a strange symbol that I can't really describe but it looks cool. Another one is a shell. The last one is strangest of all. Its a triangle with an eye in the middle. No hat nor tie. But it takes no effort to decipher this one. Bill is on his own Zodiac. There is no way to stop him.

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